Commit d23e28ff authored by jose's avatar jose

Fixed an issue where the node was not automatically selected when installing the plugin

parent 0e61b090
......@@ -156,14 +156,12 @@ class panelPlugin:
if not os.path.exists(tmp_path): os.makedirs(tmp_path,mode=384);
toFile = tmp_path + '/' + pluginInfo['name'] + '.zip'
public.downloadFile('' + pluginInfo['versions'][0]['download'],toFile)
if public.FileMd5(toFile) != pluginInfo['versions'][0]['md5']: return public.returnMsg(False,'CHECK_FILE_HASH')
update = False;
if os.path.exists(pluginInfo['install_checks']): update =pluginInfo['versions'][0]['version_msg']
return self.update_zip(None,toFile,update);
if not 'download_url' in session: session['download_url'] = '';
download_url = session['download_url'] + '/install/plugin/' + pluginInfo['name'] + '/';
download_url = public.get_url() + '/install/plugin/' + pluginInfo['name'] + '/';
toFile = '/tmp/' % pluginInfo['name']
os.system('/bin/bash ' + toFile + ' install > /tmp/');
......@@ -604,8 +602,9 @@ class panelPlugin:
if softInfo['name'].find('php-') != -1:
v2= softInfo['versions'][0]['m_version'].replace('.','')
softInfo['fpm'] = os.path.exists('/etc/init.d/php-fpm-' + v2)
softInfo['fpm'] = os.path.exists('/www/server/php/' + v2 + '/sbin/php-fpm')
softInfo['status'] = os.path.exists('/tmp/php-cgi-'+v2+'.sock')
if not softInfo['fpm']: softInfo['status'] = True
if softInfo['name'] == 'mysql': softInfo['status'] = self.process_exists('mysqld')
if softInfo['name'] == 'phpmyadmin': softInfo['status'] = self.get_phpmyadmin_stat()
return softInfo
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