Commit 0e61b090 authored by jose's avatar jose

Provide decompression support for bz2 compression format

parent c5711320
......@@ -338,7 +338,9 @@ class crontab:
if public.get_webserver()=='nginx':
if type in ['site','path'] and param['sBody'] != 'undefined' and len(param['sBody']) > 1:
exports = param['sBody'].replace("\r\n","\n").replace("\n",",")
head += "BT_EXCLUDE=\"" + exports.strip() + "\"\nexport BT_EXCLUDE\n"
'path': head + "python " + public.GetConfigValue('setup_path')+"/panel/script/ path "+param['sName']+" "+str(param['save']),
'site' : head + "python " + public.GetConfigValue('setup_path')+"/panel/script/ site "+param['sName']+" "+str(param['save']),
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