Commit a51c8214 authored by Vysheng's avatar Vysheng

Sometimes client can recover from network loss

parent d7b25cca
......@@ -1062,8 +1062,23 @@ void work_bad_server_salt (struct connection *c UU, long long msg_id UU) {
GET_DC(c)->server_salt = new_server_salt;
void work_pong (struct connection *c UU, long long msg_id UU) {
assert (fetch_int () == CODE_pong);
fetch_long (); // msg_id
fetch_long (); // ping_id
void work_detained_info (struct connection *c UU, long long msg_id UU) {
assert (fetch_int () == CODE_msg_detained_info);
fetch_long (); // msg_id
fetch_long (); // answer_msg_id
fetch_int (); // bytes
fetch_int (); // status
void rpc_execute_answer (struct connection *c, long long msg_id UU) {
if (verbosity >= 5) {
logprintf ("rpc_execute_answer: fd=%d\n", c->fd);
hexdump_in ();
int op = prefetch_int ();
......@@ -1098,6 +1113,12 @@ void rpc_execute_answer (struct connection *c, long long msg_id UU) {
case CODE_bad_server_salt:
work_bad_server_salt (c, msg_id);
case CODE_pong:
work_pong (c, msg_id);
case CODE_msg_detained_info:
work_detained_info (c, msg_id);
logprintf ( "Unknown message: \n");
hexdump_in ();
......@@ -1158,6 +1179,7 @@ int process_rpc_message (struct connection *c UU, struct encrypted_message *enc,
assert (c->session->session_id == enc->session_id);
rpc_execute_answer (c, enc->msg_id);
assert (in_ptr == in_end);
return 0;
......@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@
#define CODE_input_peer_notify_settings_old 0x3cf4b1be
#define CODE_peer_notify_settings_old 0xddbcd4a5
#define CODE_msg_detained_info 0x276d3ec6
/* not really a limit, for struct encrypted_message only */
// #define MAX_MESSAGE_INTS 16384
#define MAX_MESSAGE_INTS 1048576
......@@ -42,6 +42,51 @@ DEFINE_TREE(int,int,int_cmp,0)
int verbosity;
extern struct connection_methods auth_methods;
void fail_connection (struct connection *c);
void start_ping_timer (struct connection *c);
int ping_alarm (struct connection *c) {
if (verbosity > 2) {
logprintf ("ping alarm\n");
if (get_double_time () - c->last_receive_time > 20) {
c->state = conn_failed;
fail_connection (c);
} else if (get_double_time () - c->last_receive_time > 5 && c->state == conn_ready) {
int x[3];
x[0] = CODE_ping;
*(long long *)(x + 1) = lrand48 () * (1ll << 32) + lrand48 ();
encrypt_send_message (c, x, 3, 0);
start_ping_timer (c);
} else {
start_ping_timer (c);
return 0;
void stop_ping_timer (struct connection *c) {
remove_event_timer (&c->ev);
void start_ping_timer (struct connection *c) {
c->ev.timeout = get_double_time () + 1;
c->ev.alarm = (void *)ping_alarm;
c->ev.self = c;
insert_event_timer (&c->ev);
void restart_connection (struct connection *c);
int fail_alarm (void *ev) {
restart_connection (ev);
return 0;
void start_fail_timer (struct connection *c) {
c->ev.timeout = get_double_time () + 10;
c->ev.alarm = (void *)fail_alarm;
c->ev.self = c;
insert_event_timer (&c->ev);
struct connection_buffer *new_connection_buffer (int size) {
struct connection_buffer *b = malloc (sizeof (*b));
memset (b, 0, sizeof (*b));
......@@ -195,10 +240,11 @@ struct connection *create_connection (const char *host, int port, struct session
c->session = session;
c->fd = fd;
c->ip = htonl (*(int *)h->h_addr);
c->ip = strdup (host);
c->flags = 0;
c->state = conn_ready;
c->methods = methods;
c->port = port;
assert (!Connections[fd]);
Connections[fd] = c;
if (verbosity) {
......@@ -207,10 +253,60 @@ struct connection *create_connection (const char *host, int port, struct session
if (c->methods->ready) {
c->methods->ready (c);
c->last_receive_time = get_double_time ();
start_ping_timer (c);
return c;
void restart_connection (struct connection *c) {
if (c->last_connect_time == time (0)) {
c->last_connect_time = time (0);
int fd;
assert ((fd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) != -1);
assert (fd >= 0 && fd < MAX_CONNECTIONS);
if (fd > max_connection_fd) {
max_connection_fd = fd;
int flags = -1;
setsockopt (fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &flags, sizeof (flags));
setsockopt (fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &flags, sizeof (flags));
setsockopt (fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &flags, sizeof (flags));
struct sockaddr_in addr;
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons (c->port);
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (c->ip);
fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
if (connect (fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof (addr)) == -1) {
if (errno != EINPROGRESS) {
logprintf ( "Can not connect to %s:%d %m\n", c->ip, c->port);
start_fail_timer (c);
close (fd);
c->fd = fd;
c->state = conn_connecting;
c->last_receive_time = get_double_time ();
start_ping_timer (c);
Connections[fd] = c;
char byte = 0xef;
assert (write_out (c, &byte, 1) == 1);
flush_out (c);
void fail_connection (struct connection *c) {
if (c->state == conn_ready || c->state == conn_connecting) {
stop_ping_timer (c);
struct connection_buffer *b = c->out_head;
while (b) {
struct connection_buffer *d = b;
......@@ -226,6 +322,10 @@ void fail_connection (struct connection *c) {
c->out_head = c->out_tail = c->in_head = c->in_tail = 0;
c->state = conn_failed;
c->out_bytes = c->in_bytes = 0;
close (c->fd);
Connections[c->fd] = 0;
logprintf ("Lost connection to server... \n");
restart_connection (c);
void try_write (struct connection *c) {
......@@ -334,6 +434,11 @@ void try_read (struct connection *c) {
int x = 0;
while (1) {
int r = read (c->fd, c->in_tail->wptr, c->in_tail->end - c->in_tail->wptr);
if (r > 0) {
c->last_receive_time = get_double_time ();
stop_ping_timer (c);
start_ping_timer (c);
if (r >= 0) {
c->in_tail->wptr += r;
x += r;
......@@ -364,16 +469,21 @@ void try_read (struct connection *c) {
int connections_make_poll_array (struct pollfd *fds, int max) {
int _max = max;
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= max_connection_fd; i++) if (Connections[i] && Connections[i]->state != conn_failed) {
assert (max > 0);
struct connection *c = Connections[i];
fds[0].fd = c->fd;
if (c->out_bytes || c->state == conn_connecting) {
fds[0].events |= POLLOUT;
for (i = 0; i <= max_connection_fd; i++) {
if (Connections[i] && Connections[i]->state == conn_failed) {
restart_connection (Connections[i]);
if (Connections[i] && Connections[i]->state != conn_failed) {
assert (max > 0);
struct connection *c = Connections[i];
fds[0].fd = c->fd;
if (c->out_bytes || c->state == conn_connecting) {
fds[0].events |= POLLOUT;
fds ++;
max --;
fds ++;
max --;
if (verbosity >= 10) {
logprintf ( "%d connections in poll\n", _max - max);
......@@ -398,7 +508,9 @@ void connections_poll_result (struct pollfd *fds, int max) {
fail_connection (c);
} else if (fds[i].revents & POLLOUT) {
if (c->state == conn_connecting) {
logprintf ("connection ready\n");
c->state = conn_ready;
c->last_receive_time = get_double_time ();
if (c->out_bytes) {
try_write (c);
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ struct dc;
#define ACK_TIMEOUT 60
#define MAX_DC_ID 10
enum dc_state{
enum dc_state {
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ enum conn_state {
struct connection {
int fd;
int ip;
char *ip;
int port;
int flags;
enum conn_state state;
......@@ -117,9 +117,12 @@ struct connection {
int out_bytes;
int packet_num;
int out_packet_num;
int last_connect_time;
struct connection_methods *methods;
struct session *session;
void *extra;
struct event_timer ev;
double last_receive_time;
extern struct connection *Connections[];
......@@ -1000,8 +1000,15 @@ int user_info_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
printf ("User ");
print_user_name (U->id, C);
printf (":\n");
printf ("\t real name: %s %s\n", U->real_first_name, U->real_last_name);
printf ("\t phone: %s\n", U->phone);
printf ("\treal name: %s %s\n", U->real_first_name, U->real_last_name);
printf ("\tphone: %s\n", U->phone);
if (U-> > 0) {
printf ("\tonline\n");
} else {
printf ("\toffline (was online ");
print_date_full (U->status.when);
printf (")\n");
pop_color ();
print_end ();
return 0;
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