Commit 9c050b0d authored by vvaltman's avatar vvaltman

updated to latest version of tgl

parent f31ef233
......@@ -15,13 +15,10 @@ ${OBJ}/auto/auto.o ${TGL_OBJECTS}: ${AUTO}/constants.h ${AUTO}/auto-header.h
${TGL_OBJ_C}: ${OBJ}/%.o: ${srcdir}/tgl/%.c | create_dirs
${CC} ${INCLUDE} ${COMPILE_FLAGS} -iquote ${srcdir}/tgl -c -MP -MD -MF ${DEP}/$*.d -MQ ${OBJ}/$*.o -o $@ $<
${OBJ}/mime-types.o: ${srcdir}/mime.types
ld -r -b binary -o $@ $^
${OBJ}/auto/auto.o: ${AUTO}/auto.c
${CC} ${INCLUDE} ${COMPILE_FLAGS} -iquote ${srcdir}/tgl -c -MP -MD -MF ${DEP}/auto/auto.d -MQ ${OBJ}/auto/auto.o -o $@ $<
${LIB}/libtgl.a: ${TGL_OBJECTS} ${TGL_COMMON_OBJECTS} ${OBJ}/auto/auto.o ${OBJ}/mime-types.o
${LIB}/libtgl.a: ${TGL_OBJECTS} ${TGL_COMMON_OBJECTS} ${OBJ}/auto/auto.o
ar ruv $@ $^
Subproject commit b0c0eaf4d2b4cd387c883c07fe8916eb8022307b
Subproject commit c8e916269ce72588458ba7df7e67967e84b6bef9
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