Commit 3dab3ac5 authored by vvaltman's avatar vvaltman

updated tgl

parent 97bfa253
......@@ -964,6 +964,8 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) {
"This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it\n"
"under certain conditions; type `show_license' for details.\n"
"Telegram-cli uses libtgl version " TGL_VERSION "\n"
"Telegram-cli includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project\n"
"for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (\n"
"Telegram-cli uses libpython version " PY_VERSION "\n"
Subproject commit 638b26d60455b82c55b96dfe2043108c52e50952
Subproject commit 20e7b42ae1663a8ed388156462714f1b341eb102
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