Commit f090efb3 authored by Dietmar Maurer's avatar Dietmar Maurer

implement vzrestore

This just calls create_vm (restore is a special case of create).
parent bc03b811
......@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ package PVE::API2::OpenVZ;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use POSIX qw (LONG_MAX);
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use PVE::SafeSyslog;
use PVE::Tools qw(extract_param);
use PVE::Tools qw(extract_param run_command);
use PVE::Cluster qw(cfs_lock_file cfs_read_file);
use PVE::Storage;
use PVE::RESTHandler;
......@@ -84,11 +86,94 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method({
my $restore_openvz = sub {
my ($archive, $vmid, $force) = @_;
my $vzconf = PVE::OpenVZ::read_global_vz_config ();
my $conffile = PVE::OpenVZ::config_file($vmid);
my $cfgdir = dirname($conffile);
my $private = $vzconf->{privatedir};
$private =~ s/\$VEID/$vmid/;
my $root = $vzconf->{rootdir};
$root =~ s/\$VEID/$vmid/;
print "you choose to force overwriting VPS config file, private and root directories.\n" if $force;
die "unable to create CT $vmid - container already exists\n"
if !$force && -f $conffile;
die "unable to create CT $vmid - directory '$private' already exists\n"
if !$force && -d $private;
die "unable to create CT $vmid - directory '$root' already exists\n"
if !$force && -d $root;
my $conf;
eval {
rmtree $private if -d $private;
rmtree $root if -d $root;
mkpath $private || die "unable to create private dir '$private'";
mkpath $root || die "unable to create private dir '$private'";
my $cmd = ['tar', 'xpf', $archive, '--totals', '--sparse', '-C', $private];
if ($archive eq '-') {
print "extracting archive from STDIN\n";
run_command($cmd, input => "<&STDIN");
} else {
print "extracting archive '$archive'\n";
my $backup_cfg = "$private/etc/vzdump/vps.conf";
if (-f $backup_cfg) {
print "restore configuration to '$conffile'\n";
$conf = PVE::Tools::file_get_contents($backup_cfg);
$conf =~ s/VE_ROOT=.*/VE_ROOT=\"$root\"/;
$conf =~ s/VE_PRIVATE=.*/VE_PRIVATE=\"$private\"/;
$conf =~ s/host_ifname=veth[0-9]+\./host_ifname=veth${vmid}\./g;
PVE::Tools::file_set_contents($conffile, $conf);
foreach my $s (PVE::OpenVZ::SCRIPT_EXT) {
my $tfn = "$cfgdir/${vmid}.$s";
my $sfn = "$private/etc/vzdump/vps.$s";
if (-f $sfn) {
my $sc = PVE::Tools::file_get_contents($sfn);
PVE::Tools::file_set_contents($tfn, $sc);
rmtree "$private/etc/vzdump";
my $err = $@;
if ($err) {
rmtree $private;
rmtree $root;
unlink $conffile;
foreach my $s (PVE::OpenVZ::SCRIPT_EXT) {
unlink "$cfgdir/${vmid}.$s";
die $err;
return $conf;
# create_vm is also used by vzrestore
name => 'create_vm',
path => '',
method => 'POST',
description => "Create new container.",
description => "Create or restore a container.",
protected => 1,
proxyto => 'node',
parameters => {
......@@ -97,7 +182,7 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method({
node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid'),
ostemplate => {
description => "The OS template.",
description => "The OS template or backup file.",
type => 'string',
maxLength => 255,
......@@ -106,6 +191,16 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method({
type => 'string',
description => "Sets root password inside container.",
force => {
optional => 1,
type => 'boolean',
description => "Allow to overwrite existing container.",
restore => {
optional => 1,
type => 'boolean',
description => "Mark this as restore task.",
returns => {
......@@ -132,23 +227,29 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method({
my $basecfg_fn = PVE::OpenVZ::config_file($vmid);
die "container $vmid already exists\n" if -f $basecfg_fn;
if ($param->{force}) {
die "cant overwrite mounted container\n" if PVE::OpenVZ::check_mounted($vmid);
} else {
die "container $vmid already exists\n" if -f $basecfg_fn;
my $ostemplate = extract_param($param, 'ostemplate');
$ostemplate =~ s|^/var/lib/vz/template/cache/|local:vztmpl/|;
my $archive;
if ($ostemplate !~ m|^local:vztmpl/|) {
$ostemplate = "local:vztmpl/${ostemplate}";
if ($ostemplate eq '-') {
die "pipe requires cli environment\n"
if $rpcenv->{type} ne 'cli';
$archive = '-';
} else {
if (PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($ostemplate, 1)) {
$archive = PVE::Storage::path($stcfg, $ostemplate);
} else {
$archive = abs_path($ostemplate);
die "can't find file '$archive'\n" if ! -f $archive;
my $tpath = PVE::Storage::path($stcfg, $ostemplate);
die "can't find OS template '$ostemplate'\n" if ! -f $tpath;
# hack: openvz does not support full paths
$tpath = basename($tpath);
$tpath =~ s/\.tar\.gz$//;
if (!defined($param->{searchdomain}) &&
!defined($param->{nameserver})) {
......@@ -168,19 +269,21 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method({
my $rawconf = PVE::OpenVZ::generate_raw_config($pve_base_ovz_config, $conf);
my $realcmd = sub {
PVE::Tools::file_set_contents($basecfg_fn, $rawconf);
my $cmd = ['vzctl', '--skiplock', 'create', $vmid, '--ostemplate', $tpath ];
my $realcmd = sub {
&$restore_openvz($archive, $vmid, $param->{force});
PVE::Tools::file_set_contents($basecfg_fn, $rawconf)
if !$param->{restore};
# hack: vzctl '--userpasswd' starts the CT, but we want
# to avoid that for create
PVE::OpenVZ::set_rootpasswd($vmid, $password) if defined($password);
return $rpcenv->fork_worker('vzcreate', $vmid, $user, $realcmd);
return $rpcenv->fork_worker($param->{restore} ? 'vzrestore' : 'vzcreate',
$vmid, $user, $realcmd);
return PVE::OpenVZ::lock_container($vmid, $code);
......@@ -15,8 +15,12 @@ use PVE::JSONSchema;
use Digest::SHA1;
use Encode;
use constant SCRIPT_EXT => qw (start stop mount umount);
my $cpuinfo = PVE::ProcFSTools::read_cpuinfo();
my $nodename = PVE::INotify::nodename();
my $global_vzconf = read_global_vz_config();
my $res_unlimited = LONG_MAX;
sub config_list {
my $vmlist = PVE::Cluster::get_vmlist();
......@@ -59,6 +63,15 @@ sub load_config {
return $conf;
sub check_mounted {
my ($vmid) = @_;
my $root = $global_vzconf->{rootdir};
$root =~ s/\$VEID/$vmid/;
return (-d "$root/etc" || -d "$root/proc");
sub read_user_beancounters {
my $ubc = {};
if (my $fh = IO::File->new ("/proc/user_beancounters", "r")) {
......@@ -431,9 +444,6 @@ sub read_global_vz_config {
return $res;
my $global_vzconf = read_global_vz_config();
my $res_unlimited = LONG_MAX;
sub parse_netif {
my ($data) = @_;
package PVE::VZDump::OpenVZ;
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH
# Copyright: vzdump is under GNU GPL, the GNU General Public License.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Author: Dietmar Maurer <>
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Path;
......@@ -30,8 +10,6 @@ use PVE::OpenVZ;
use base qw (PVE::VZDump::Plugin);
use constant SCRIPT_EXT => qw (start stop mount umount);
my $load_vz_conf = sub {
my ($self, $vmid) = @_;
......@@ -246,7 +224,7 @@ sub assemble {
mkpath "$dir/etc/vzdump/";
$self->cmd ("cp '$conffile' '$dir/etc/vzdump/vps.conf'");
my $cfgdir = dirname ($conffile);
foreach my $s (SCRIPT_EXT) {
foreach my $s (PVE::OpenVZ::SCRIPT_EXT) {
my $fn = "$cfgdir/$vmid.$s";
$self->cmd ("cp '$fn' '$dir/etc/vzdump/vps.$s'") if -f $fn;
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ SCRIPTS = \
MANS = \
pvectl.1 \
vzdump.1 \
vzrestore.1 \
pvestatd.1 \
pvedaemon.1 \
pveversion.1 \
......@@ -37,6 +38,9 @@ pvectl.1.pod: pvectl
vzdump.1.pod: vzdump
perl -I.. ./vzdump printmanpod >$@
vzrestore.1.pod: vzrestore
perl -I.. ./vzrestore printmanpod >$@
.PHONY: install
install: ${SCRIPTS} ${MANS}
perl -I.. ./pvesh verifyapi
......@@ -47,6 +51,7 @@ install: ${SCRIPTS} ${MANS}
install -d ${PODDIR}
install -m 0644 pvectl.1.pod ${PODDIR}
install -m 0644 vzdump.1.pod ${PODDIR}
install -m 0644 vzrestore.1.pod ${PODDIR}
set -e && for i in ${SUBDIRS}; do ${MAKE} -C $$i $@; done
.PHONY: distclean
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH
# Copyright: vzdump is under GNU GPL, the GNU General Public License.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Author: Dietmar Maurer <>
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Sys::Syslog;
use File::Path;
use PVE::VZDump;
use PVE::VZDump::OpenVZ;
use PVE::SafeSyslog;
use PVE::Tools qw(extract_param);
use PVE::INotify;
use PVE::RPCEnvironment;
use PVE::CLIHandler;
use PVE::JSONSchema qw(get_standard_option);
use PVE::API2::OpenVZ;
$ENV{LANG} = "C"; # avoid locale related issues/warnings
use Data::Dumper; # fixme: remove
openlog ('vzdump', 'cons,pid', 'daemon');
use base qw(PVE::CLIHandler);
my $force = 0;
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin';
sub print_usage {
my $msg = shift;
print STDERR "ERROR: $msg\n\n" if $msg;
die "please run as root\n" if $> != 0;
print STDERR "usage: $0 [OPTIONS] <ARCHIVE> <VMID>\n";
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR "\t--force overwrite existing conf file, private and root directory\n\n";
if (!GetOptions ('force' => \$force)) {
print_usage ();
exit (-1);
my $rpcenv = PVE::RPCEnvironment->init('cli');
if ($#ARGV != 1) {
print_usage ();
exit (-1);
my $archive = shift;
my $vmid = PVE::VZDump::check_vmids ((shift))->[0];
name => 'vzrestore',
path => 'vzrestore',
method => 'POST',
description => "Restore OpenVZ containers.",
parameters => {
additionalProperties => 0,
properties => {
vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid'),
backup => {
description => "The backup file.",
type => 'string',
maxLength => 255,
force => {
optional => 1,
type => 'boolean',
description => "Allow to overwrite existing container.",
returns => {
type => 'string',
code => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{QUIT} = $SIG{HUP} = $SIG{PIPE} = sub {
die "interrupted by signal\n";
my $backup = extract_param($param, 'backup');
sub debugmsg { PVE::VZDump::debugmsg (@_); } # just a shortcut
$param->{ostemplate} = $backup;
sub run_command { PVE::VZDump::run_command (undef, @_); } # just a shortcut
$param->{node} = PVE::INotify::nodename();
sub restore_openvz {
my ($archive, $vmid) = @_;
$param->{restore} = 1;
my $vzconf = PVE::VZDump::OpenVZ::read_global_vz_config ();
my $cfgdir = PVE::VZDump::OpenVZ::VZDIR . "/conf";
return PVE::API2::OpenVZ->create_vm($param);
my $conffile = "$cfgdir/${vmid}.conf";
my $private = $vzconf->{privatedir};
$private =~ s/\$VEID/$vmid/;
my $root = $vzconf->{rootdir};
$root =~ s/\$VEID/$vmid/;
my $cmddef = [ __PACKAGE__, 'vzrestore', ['backup', 'vmid'], undef,
sub {
my $upid = shift;
my $status = PVE::Tools::upid_read_status($upid);
exit($status eq 'OK' ? 0 : -1);
print "you choose to force overwriting VPS config file, private and root directories.\n" if $force;
push @ARGV, 'help' if !scalar(@ARGV);
die "unable to restore VM '$vmid' - VM already exists\n"
if !$force && -f $conffile; ;
die "unable to restore VPS '${vmid}' - " .
"directory '$private' already exists\n"
if !$force && -d $private;
die "unable to restore VPS '${vmid}' - " .
"directory '$root' already exists\n"
if !$force && -d $root;
PVE::CLIHandler::handle_simple_cmd($cmddef, \@ARGV, undef, $0);
eval {
mkpath $private || die "unable to create private dir '$private'";
mkpath $root || die "unable to create private dir '$private'";
my $cmd = "tar xpf $archive --totals --sparse -C $private";
if ($archive eq '-') {
debugmsg ('info', "extracting archive from STDIN");
run_command ($cmd, input => "<&STDIN");
} else {
debugmsg ('info', "extracting archive '$archive'");
run_command ($cmd);
debugmsg ('info', "extracting configuration to '$conffile'");
my $qroot = $vzconf->{rootdir};
$qroot =~ s|/|\\\/|g;
my $qprivate = $vzconf->{privatedir};
$qprivate =~ s|/|\\\/|g;
my $scmd = "sed -r -e 's/VE_ROOT=.*/VE_ROOT=\\\"$qroot\\\"/' -e 's/VE_PRIVATE=.*/VE_PRIVATE=\\\"$qprivate\\\"/' -e 's/host_ifname=veth[0-9]+\./host_ifname=veth${vmid}./' <'$private/etc/vzdump/vps.conf' >'$conffile'";
run_command ($scmd);
foreach my $s (PVE::VZDump::OpenVZ::SCRIPT_EXT) {
my $tfn = "$cfgdir/${vmid}.$s";
my $sfn = "$private/etc/vzdump/vps.$s";
if (-f $sfn) {
run_command ("cp '$sfn' '$tfn'");
rmtree "$private/etc/vzdump";
my $err = $@;
if ($err) {
rmtree $private;
rmtree $root;
unlink $conffile;
die $err;
my $plugin = PVE::VZDump::OpenVZ->new();
if ($archive ne '-') {
my $firstfile = PVE::VZDump::read_firstfile ($archive);
if ($firstfile eq 'qemu-server.conf') {
die "ERROR: please use 'qmrestore' to restore QemuServer VMs\n";
my $lock = $plugin->lock_vm ($vmid);
eval {
debugmsg ('info', "restore openvz backup '$archive' using ID $vmid", undef, 1);
restore_openvz ($archive, $vmid);
debugmsg ('info', "restore openvz backup '$archive' successful", undef, 1);
my $err = $@;
$plugin->unlock_vm ($vmid);
if ($err) {
debugmsg ('err', "restore openvz backup '$archive' failed - $err", undef, 1);
exit (-1);
exit (0);
exit 0;
=head1 NAME
vzrestore - restore OpenVZ vzdump backups
vzrestore <archive> <VMID>
=include synopsis
Restore the OpenVZ vzdump backup <archive> to virtual machine <VMID>.
Restores OpenVZ vzdump backups.
=head1 SEE ALSO
vzdump(1) qmrestore(1)
vzdump(1) qmrestore(1)
=include pve_copyright
......@@ -377,6 +377,7 @@ Ext.define('PVE.Utils', { statics: {
qmsuspend: 'Suspend VM {0}',
qmresume: 'Resume VM {0}',
vzcreate: 'Create CT {0}',
vzrestore: 'Restore CT {0}',
vzdestroy: 'Destroy CT {0}',
vzstart: 'Start CT {0}',
vzstop: 'Stop CT {0}',
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