Commit a574513c authored by Dietmar Maurer's avatar Dietmar Maurer

split out formatter code

parent f7b7f85c
......@@ -4,12 +4,9 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use PVE::pvecfg;
use PVE::HTTPServer;
use PVE::RESTHandler;
use HTTP::Status;
use JSON;
use HTML::Entities;
use PVE::JSONSchema;
use PVE::API2::Formatter::Standard;
use base qw(PVE::RESTHandler);
......@@ -114,186 +111,4 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
return $res;
# register result formatters
my $prepare_response_data = sub {
my ($format, $res) = @_;
my $success = 1;
my $new = {
data => $res->{data},
if (scalar(keys %{$res->{errors}})) {
$success = 0;
$new->{errors} = $res->{errors};
if ($format eq 'extjs' || $format eq 'htmljs') {
# HACK: extjs wants 'success' property instead of useful HTTP status codes
if (HTTP::Status::is_error($res->{status})) {
$success = 0;
$new->{message} = $res->{message} || status_message($res->{status});
$new->{status} = $res->{status} || 200;
$res->{message} = undef;
$res->{status} = 200;
$new->{success} = $success;
if ($success && $res->{total}) {
$new->{total} = $res->{total};
if ($success && $res->{changes}) {
$new->{changes} = $res->{changes};
$res->{data} = $new;
PVE::HTTPServer::register_formatter('json', sub {
my ($res, $data, $param, $path, $auth) = @_;
my $nocomp = 0;
my $ct = 'application/json;charset=UTF-8';
&$prepare_response_data('json', $res);
my $raw = to_json($res->{data}, {utf8 => 1, allow_nonref => 1});
return ($raw, $ct, $nocomp);
PVE::HTTPServer::register_formatter('extjs', sub {
my ($res, $data, $param, $path, $auth) = @_;
my $nocomp = 0;
my $ct = 'application/json;charset=UTF-8';
&$prepare_response_data('extjs', $res);
my $raw = to_json($res->{data}, {utf8 => 1, allow_nonref => 1});
return ($raw, $ct, $nocomp);
PVE::HTTPServer::register_formatter('htmljs', sub {
my ($res, $data, $param, $path, $auth) = @_;
my $nocomp = 0;
# we use this for extjs file upload forms
my $ct = 'text/html;charset=UTF-8';
&$prepare_response_data('htmljs', $res);
my $raw = encode_entities(to_json($res->{data}, {allow_nonref => 1}));
return ($raw, $ct, $nocomp);
PVE::HTTPServer::register_formatter('spiceconfig', sub {
my ($res, $data, $param, $path, $auth) = @_;
my $nocomp = 0;
my $ct = 'application/x-virt-viewer;charset=UTF-8';
&$prepare_response_data('spiceconfig', $res);
$data = $res->{data};
my $raw;
if ($data && ref($data) && ref($data->{data})) {
$raw = "[virt-viewer]\n";
while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$data->{data}}) {
$raw .= "$key=$value\n" if defined($value);
return ($raw, $ct, $nocomp);
PVE::HTTPServer::register_formatter('png', sub {
my ($res, $data, $param, $path, $auth) = @_;
my $nocomp = 1;
my $ct = 'image/png';
&$prepare_response_data('png', $res);
$data = $res->{data};
# fixme: better to revove that whole png thing ?
my $filename;
my $raw = '';
if ($data && ref($data) && ref($data->{data}) &&
$data->{data}->{filename} && defined($data->{data}->{image})) {
$filename = $data->{data}->{filename};
$raw = $data->{data}->{image};
return ($raw, $ct, $nocomp);
PVE::HTTPServer::register_formatter('html', sub {
my ($res, $data, $param, $path, $auth) = @_;
my $nocomp = 0;
my $ct = 'text/html;charset=UTF-8';
&$prepare_response_data('html', $res);
$data = $res->{data};
my $info = $res->{info};
my $raw = "<html><body>";
if (!HTTP::Status::is_success($res->{status})) {
my $msg = $res->{message} || '';
$raw .= "<h1>ERROR $res->{status} $msg</h1>";
my $lnk = PVE::JSONSchema::method_get_child_link($info);
if ($lnk && $data && $data->{data} && HTTP::Status::is_success($res->{status})) {
my $href = $lnk->{href};
if ($href =~ m/^\{(\S+)\}$/) {
my $prop = $1;
$path =~ s/\/+$//; # remove trailing slash
foreach my $elem (sort {$a->{$prop} cmp $b->{$prop}} @{$data->{data}}) {
next if !ref($elem);
if (defined(my $value = $elem->{$prop})) {
if ($value ne '') {
if (scalar(keys %$elem) > 1) {
my $tv = to_json($elem, {allow_nonref => 1, canonical => 1});
$raw .= "<a href='$path/$value'>$value</a> <pre>$tv</pre><br>";
} else {
$raw .= "<a href='$path/$value'>$value</a><br>";
} else {
$raw .= "<pre>";
$raw .= encode_entities(to_json($data, {allow_nonref => 1, pretty => 1}));
$raw .= "</pre>";
$raw .= "</body></html>";
return ($raw, $ct, $nocomp);
include ../../../
.PHONY: distclean
distclean: clean
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf *~
.PHONY: install
install: ${PERLSOURCE}
install -d ${PERLLIBDIR}/PVE/API2/Formatter
install -m 0644 ${PERLSOURCE} ${PERLLIBDIR}/PVE/API2/Formatter
package PVE::API2::Formatter::Standard;
use strict;
use warnings;
use PVE::HTTPServer;
use HTTP::Status;
use JSON;
use HTML::Entities;
use PVE::JSONSchema;
# register result formatters
my $prepare_response_data = sub {
my ($format, $res) = @_;
my $success = 1;
my $new = {
data => $res->{data},
if (scalar(keys %{$res->{errors}})) {
$success = 0;
$new->{errors} = $res->{errors};
if ($format eq 'extjs' || $format eq 'htmljs') {
# HACK: extjs wants 'success' property instead of useful HTTP status codes
if (HTTP::Status::is_error($res->{status})) {
$success = 0;
$new->{message} = $res->{message} || status_message($res->{status});
$new->{status} = $res->{status} || 200;
$res->{message} = undef;
$res->{status} = 200;
$new->{success} = $success;
if ($success && $res->{total}) {
$new->{total} = $res->{total};
if ($success && $res->{changes}) {
$new->{changes} = $res->{changes};
$res->{data} = $new;
PVE::HTTPServer::register_formatter('json', sub {
my ($res, $data, $param, $path, $auth) = @_;
my $nocomp = 0;
my $ct = 'application/json;charset=UTF-8';
&$prepare_response_data('json', $res);
my $raw = to_json($res->{data}, {utf8 => 1, allow_nonref => 1});
return ($raw, $ct, $nocomp);
PVE::HTTPServer::register_formatter('extjs', sub {
my ($res, $data, $param, $path, $auth) = @_;
my $nocomp = 0;
my $ct = 'application/json;charset=UTF-8';
&$prepare_response_data('extjs', $res);
my $raw = to_json($res->{data}, {utf8 => 1, allow_nonref => 1});
return ($raw, $ct, $nocomp);
PVE::HTTPServer::register_formatter('htmljs', sub {
my ($res, $data, $param, $path, $auth) = @_;
my $nocomp = 0;
# we use this for extjs file upload forms
my $ct = 'text/html;charset=UTF-8';
&$prepare_response_data('htmljs', $res);
my $raw = encode_entities(to_json($res->{data}, {allow_nonref => 1}));
return ($raw, $ct, $nocomp);
PVE::HTTPServer::register_formatter('spiceconfig', sub {
my ($res, $data, $param, $path, $auth) = @_;
my $nocomp = 0;
my $ct = 'application/x-virt-viewer;charset=UTF-8';
&$prepare_response_data('spiceconfig', $res);
$data = $res->{data};
my $raw;
if ($data && ref($data) && ref($data->{data})) {
$raw = "[virt-viewer]\n";
while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$data->{data}}) {
$raw .= "$key=$value\n" if defined($value);
return ($raw, $ct, $nocomp);
PVE::HTTPServer::register_formatter('png', sub {
my ($res, $data, $param, $path, $auth) = @_;
my $nocomp = 1;
my $ct = 'image/png';
&$prepare_response_data('png', $res);
$data = $res->{data};
# fixme: better to revove that whole png thing ?
my $filename;
my $raw = '';
if ($data && ref($data) && ref($data->{data}) &&
$data->{data}->{filename} && defined($data->{data}->{image})) {
$filename = $data->{data}->{filename};
$raw = $data->{data}->{image};
return ($raw, $ct, $nocomp);
PVE::HTTPServer::register_formatter('html', sub {
my ($res, $data, $param, $path, $auth) = @_;
my $nocomp = 0;
my $ct = 'text/html;charset=UTF-8';
&$prepare_response_data('html', $res);
$data = $res->{data};
my $info = $res->{info};
my $raw = "<html><body>";
if (!HTTP::Status::is_success($res->{status})) {
my $msg = $res->{message} || '';
$raw .= "<h1>ERROR $res->{status} $msg</h1>";
my $lnk = PVE::JSONSchema::method_get_child_link($info);
if ($lnk && $data && $data->{data} && HTTP::Status::is_success($res->{status})) {
my $href = $lnk->{href};
if ($href =~ m/^\{(\S+)\}$/) {
my $prop = $1;
$path =~ s/\/+$//; # remove trailing slash
foreach my $elem (sort {$a->{$prop} cmp $b->{$prop}} @{$data->{data}}) {
next if !ref($elem);
if (defined(my $value = $elem->{$prop})) {
if ($value ne '') {
if (scalar(keys %$elem) > 1) {
my $tv = to_json($elem, {allow_nonref => 1, canonical => 1});
$raw .= "<a href='$path/$value'>$value</a> <pre>$tv</pre><br>";
} else {
$raw .= "<a href='$path/$value'>$value</a><br>";
} else {
$raw .= "<pre>";
$raw .= encode_entities(to_json($data, {allow_nonref => 1, pretty => 1}));
$raw .= "</pre>";
$raw .= "</body></html>";
return ($raw, $ct, $nocomp);
......@@ -28,3 +28,4 @@ clean:
install: ${PERLSOURCE}
install -d ${PERLLIBDIR}/PVE/API2
install -m 0644 ${PERLSOURCE} ${PERLLIBDIR}/PVE/API2
make -C Formatter install
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