Commit 900abd33 authored by Dietmar Maurer's avatar Dietmar Maurer

copy panel/SubConfigPanel.js from manager to manager5

parent 55aa5636
Ext.define('PVE.panel.SubConfig', {
extend: '',
alias: ['widget.pvePanelSubConfig'],
configPrefix: undefined,
getHState: function(itemId) {
/*jslint confusion: true */
var me = this;
if (!itemId) {
itemId = me.getActiveTab().itemId;
var first = me.items.get(0);
var ntab;
// Note: '' is alias for first tab.
if (itemId === first.itemId) {
ntab = me.configPrefix;
} else {
ntab = me.configPrefix + '-' + itemId;
return { value: ntab };
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
if (!me.phstateid) {
throw "no parent history state specified";
var sp = Ext.state.Manager.getProvider();
var state = sp.get(me.phstateid);
var hsregex = /^([^\-\s]+)-(\S+)?$/;
if (state && state.value) {
var res = hsregex.exec(state.value);
if (res && res[1] && res[2] && res[1] === me.configPrefix) {
me.activeTab = res[2];
Ext.apply(me, {
plain: true,
tabPosition: 'bottom',
listeners: {
afterrender: function(tp) {
var first = tp.items.get(0);
if (first) {
first.fireEvent('show', first);
tabchange: function(tp, newcard, oldcard) {
var state = me.getHState(newcard.itemId);
sp.set(me.phstateid, state);
var statechange = function(sp, key, state) {
if ((key === me.phstateid) && state) {
var first = me.items.get(0);
var atab = me.getActiveTab().itemId;
var res = hsregex.exec(state.value);
var ntab = (res && res[1]) ? res[1] : first.itemId;
if (ntab && (atab != ntab)) {
me.mon(sp, 'statechange', statechange);
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