Commit 7e9387f9 authored by Dietmar Maurer's avatar Dietmar Maurer

add performance test using Net::SSLeay

parent 326ed96b
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use lib '../../';
use strict;
use Time::HiRes qw( usleep ualarm gettimeofday tv_interval );
use PVE::INotify;
use PVE::AccessControl;
use Net::SSLeay qw(get_https post_https sslcat make_headers make_form);
use Data::Dumper;
my $hostname = PVE::INotify::read_file("hostname");
# normally you use username/password,
# but we can simply create a ticket if we are root
my $ticket = PVE::AccessControl::assemble_ticket('root@pam');
my $wcount = 2;
my $qcount = 100;
sub test_rpc {
my ($host) = @_;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $qcount; $i++) {
eval {
my ($page, $response, %reply_headers)
= get_https($hostname, 8006, '/api2/json',
make_headers(Cookie => "PVEAuthCookie=$ticket"));
die "$response\n" if $response !~ m/200 OK/;
my $err = $@;
if ($err) {
print "ERROR: $err\n";
sub run_tests {
my ($host) = @_;
my $workers;
my $starttime = [gettimeofday];
for (my $i = 0; $i < $wcount; $i++) {
if (my $pid = fork ()) {
$workers->{$pid} = 1;
} else {
test_rpc ($host);
exit (0);
# wait for children
1 while (wait > 0);
my $elapsed = int(tv_interval ($starttime) * 1000);
my $tpq = $elapsed / ($wcount*$qcount);
print "$host: $tpq ms per query\n";
run_tests($hostname); # test 'apache'
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