@@ -365,6 +366,14 @@ location: main nginx configuration
The length of time a message may be queued before it is considered expired. If you do not want messages to expire, just not set this directive.
h4(#push_stream_max_subscribers_per_channel). push_stream_max_subscribers_per_channel [ number ]
default: -
context: http
location: main nginx configuration
The maximum number of subscribers accepted per channel. If you do not want to limit number of subscribers access to channels, just not set this directive.
h4(#push_stream_max_messages_stored_per_channel). push_stream_max_messages_stored_per_channel [ number ]
assert_equal(403,sub_4.response_header.status,"Channel was created")
assert_equal(0,sub_4.response_header.content_length,"Received response for exceed subscriber limit")
assert_equal("Subscribers limit per channel has been exceeded.",sub_4.response_header['X_NGINX_PUSHSTREAM_EXPLAIN'],"Didn't receive the right error message")