The text template that will be used to format the message before be sended to subscribers. The template can contain any number of the reserved words: ==~id~, ~text~, ~channel~, ~time~, ~tag~ and ~event-id~, example: "<script>p(~id~,'~channel~','~text~', ~tag~, '~time~');</script>"==
The text template that will be used to format the message before be sended to subscribers. The template can contain any number of the reserved words: ==~id~, ~text~, ~channel~, ~time~, ~tag~, ~event-id~ and ~event-type~, example: "<script>p(~id~,'~channel~','~text~', ~tag~, '~time~');</script>"==
Enable "Event Source":eventsource support for subscribers.
Enable "Event Source":eventsource support for subscribers. Using headers Event-ID and Event-Type on publish is possible to set values to _id:_ and _event:_ attributes on message sent to subscribers.
assert_equal(%(:\r\nevent: #{event_type}\r\ndata: {"id":"1", "message":"#{body}"}\r\n\r\n),response,"The published message was not received correctly")