Commit 40dd8cdc authored by Wandenberg Peixoto's avatar Wandenberg Peixoto

updating to version 0.3.2

parent b55c1349
h3. Version 0.3.2
* Adding WebSocket support
* Adding a default header template for EventSource to call _onopen_ callback quickly
* Adding examples of use for PushStream javascript class
* Refactor on PushStream javascript class adding support for new protocols
* Changing etag for messages published in different channels to receive sequential values if they were published on same second
* Improvement on delete channel removing unnecessary loop
* Fixing bug on delete channel with long polling subscribers
h3. Version 0.3.1
* Adding _push_stream_longpolling_connection_ttl_ directive to be possible use different values for timeout of stream and long polling subscribers on the same location
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