@@ -152,6 +152,234 @@ one terminal and start playing http pubsub:
@@ -152,6 +152,234 @@ one terminal and start playing http pubsub:
h1(#examples). Some Examples
h2(#forever-iframe). Forever iFrame
Using an invisible iFrame on the page to receive the messages and pass them to main page.
*This example uses the PushStream class present in _misc/js/pushstream.js_ file, copy it to your server htdocs.*
Configure your server like suggested bellow. You should complete this configuration with other directives according with target application.
Create a html page with the content on **Client** part, access it from browser and try with the command *curl http://localhost/pub?id=ch1 -d "Some Text"*.
location /pub {
# activate publisher (admin) mode for this location
push_stream_publisher admin;
# query string based channel id
set $push_stream_channel_id $arg_id;
location ~ /sub/(.*) {
# activate subscriber (streaming) mode for this location
# positional channel path
set $push_stream_channels_path $1;
# header to be sent when receiving new subscriber connection
*This example uses the PushStream class present in _misc/js/pushstream.js_ file, copy it to your server htdocs.*
Configure your server like suggested bellow. You should complete this configuration with other directives according with target application.
Create a html page with the content on **Client** part, access it from browser and try with the command *curl http://localhost/pub?id=ch1 -d "Some Text"*.
location /pub {
# activate publisher (admin) mode for this location
* _push_stream_message_template_ should be exactly like as the example to be used with PushStream class
* EventSource and Forever iFrame may be combined setting _/sub_ and _/ev_ locations on same server and setting *modes: "eventsource|stream"* on client. With that if the browser supports Event Source, it will use it, if not it will use iFrame.
h2(#long-polling). Long Polling
Using jQuery to receive the messages.
*This example uses jQuery file, put it on your server htdocs.*
Configure your server like suggested bellow. You should complete this configuration with other directives according with target application.
Create a html page with the content on **Client** part, access it from browser and try with the command *curl http://localhost/pub?id=ch1 -d "Some Text"*.
location /pub {
# activate publisher (admin) mode for this location