steps for testing

parent 882cffb4
To run these tests is needed to install some gems Basic requirements
ruby >= 1.8.7
rubygems >= 1.6.2
gem install bundler
To run this tests you need to install some gems
You can install with bundler (bundler is required to be installed before) You can install with bundler (bundler is required to be installed before)
bundle install bundle install
or individually or individually
gem install --remote --include-dependencies POpen4 -v 0.1.4 gem install --remote --include-dependencies POpen4 -v 0.1.4
gem install --remote --include-dependencies em-http-request -v 0.2.14 gem install --remote --include-dependencies em-http-request -v 0.2.14
gem install --remote --include-dependencies json -v 1.4.3 gem install --remote --include-dependencies json -v 1.4.3
Some more steps are needed once you have built and/or installed Nginx
Choose nginx binary to run tests against
export NGINX_EXEC="/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx"
export NGINX_EXEC="../build/nginx-0.7.68/objs/nginx"
export NGINX_EXEC="../build/nginx-0.8.54/objs/nginx"
Then issue
ruby suite.rb
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