Commit c3a7e341 authored by Marc Schiller's avatar Marc Schiller

Fixed a small status check bug, where secondary dns server check fails misleadingly.

parent d390bfb2
......@@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ def check_dns_zone(domain, env, dns_zonefiles):
# to do a DNS trace.
custom_dns = get_custom_dns_config(env)
existing_ns = query_dns(domain, "NS")
correct_ns = "; ".join([
correct_ns = "; ".join(sorted([
"ns1." + env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'],
custom_dns.get("_secondary_nameserver", "ns2." + env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']),
if existing_ns.lower() == correct_ns.lower():
env['out'].print_ok("Nameservers are set correctly at registrar. [%s]" % correct_ns)
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