Commit 9d415302 authored by jkaberg's avatar jkaberg


parent a6ba2da6
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ $CONFIG = array (
# Set permissions
mkdir -p $STORAGE_ROOT/owncloud
chown -R www-data.www-data $STORAGE_ROOT/owncloud /usr/local/lib/owncloud
......@@ -74,10 +75,10 @@ php /usr/local/lib/owncloud/apps/mail/composer.phar install --working-dir=/usr/l
chmod -R 777 /usr/local/lib/owncloud/apps/mail/vendor/ezyang/htmlpurifier/library/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer
# Use Crontab instead of AJAX/webcron in ownCloud
# TODO: somehow change the cron option in admin settings, not exposed afaik?
# TODO: somehow change the cron option in ownClouds config, not exposed afaik?
(crontab -u www-user -l; echo "*/15 * * * * php -f /usr/local/lib/owncloud/cron.php" ) | crontab -u www-user -
# TODO: enable mail app in ownCloud config?
# TODO: enable mail app in ownCloud config, not exposed afaik?
php5enmod imap
restart_service php5-fpm
\ No newline at end of file
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