Commit 23ecff04 authored by Joshua Tauberer's avatar Joshua Tauberer

the logic in 4ed23f44 for taking backups more...

the logic in 4ed23f44 for taking backups more often was partly backward
parent a0bae5db
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ def should_force_full(config, env):
# backup, as well as the age of the full backup.
if inc_size > .5*bak["size"]:
return True
if dateutil.parser.parse(bak["date"]) + datetime.timedelta(days=config["min_age_in_days"]*10+1) >
if dateutil.parser.parse(bak["date"]) + datetime.timedelta(days=config["min_age_in_days"]*10+1) <
return True
return False
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