Commit 083e3cf7 authored by Joshua Tauberer's avatar Joshua Tauberer

merge #757 (squashed) - add swap space to low-memory systems

parents 3d4cabbc 696bbe4e
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Control panel:
* A swap file is now created if system memory is less than 2GB, 5GB of free disk space is available, and if no swap file yet exists.
* Setup dialogs did not appear correctly when connecting to SSH using Putty on Windows.
v0.17b (March 1, 2016)
......@@ -4,6 +4,60 @@ source setup/ # load our functions
# Basic System Configuration
# -------------------------
# ### Add swap space to the system
# If the physical memory of the system is below 2GB it is wise to create a
# swap file. This will make the system more resiliant to memory spikes and
# prevent for instance spam filtering from crashing
# We will create a 1G file, this should be a good balance between disk usage
# and buffers for the system. We will only allocate this file if there is more
# than 5GB of disk space available
# The following checks are performed:
# - Check if swap is currently mountend by looking at /proc/swaps
# - Check if the user intents to activate swap on next boot by checking fstab entries.
# - Check if a swapfile already exists
# - Check if the root file system is not btrfs, might be an incompatible version with
# swapfiles. User should hanle it them selves.
# - Check the memory requirements
# - Check available diskspace
# See
# for reference
SWAP_MOUNTED=$(cat /proc/swaps | tail -n+2)
SWAP_IN_FSTAB=$(grep "swap" /etc/fstab)
ROOT_IS_BTRFS=$(grep "\/ .*btrfs" /proc/mounts)
TOTAL_PHYSICAL_MEM=$(head -n 1 /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')
AVAILABLE_DISK_SPACE=$(df / --output=avail | tail -n 1)
[ -z "$SWAP_MOUNTED" ] &&
[ -z "$SWAP_IN_FSTAB" ] &&
[ ! -e /swapfile ] &&
[ -z "$ROOT_IS_BTRFS" ] &&
[ $TOTAL_PHYSICAL_MEM -lt 1900000 ] &&
[ $AVAILABLE_DISK_SPACE -gt 5242880 ]
echo "Adding a swap file to the system..."
# Allocate and activate the swap file. Allocate in 1KB chuncks
# doing it in one go, could fail on low memory systems
dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=$[1024*1024] status=none
if [ -e /swapfile ]; then
chmod 600 /swapfile
hide_output mkswap /swapfile
swapon /swapfile
# Check if swap is mounted then activate on boot
if swapon -s | grep -q "\/swapfile"; then
echo "/swapfile none swap sw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "ERROR: Swap allocation failed"
# ### Add Mail-in-a-Box's PPA.
# We've built several .deb packages on our own that we want to include.
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