system-dns.html 4 KB
#external_dns_settings .heading td {
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 120%;
  padding-top: 1.5em;
#external_dns_settings .heading.first td {
  border-top: none;
  padding-top: 0;
#external_dns_settings .values td {
	padding-top: .75em;
	padding-bottom: 0;
	max-width: 50vw;
	word-wrap: break-word;
#external_dns_settings .explanation td {
	border: 0;
	padding-top: .5em;
	padding-bottom: .75em;
	font-style: italic;
	color: #777;

<h2>DNS (Advanced)</h2>

<p class="text-danger">Custom and external DNS are for advanced configurations.</p>

<h3>Custom DNS</h3>

<p>It is possible to set custom DNS records on domains hosted here. For instance, you can create your own dynamic DNS service. To do so, you will need to call your box&rsquo;s DNS API.</p>

<p>It works like this:</p>

<pre>curl -d "" --user {email}:{password} https://{{hostname}}/admin/dns/set/{qname}[/{rtype}[/{value}]]</pre>

<p>The parameters are:</p>

<table class="table">
<thead><th>Parameter</th> <th>Value</th></thead>
<tr><td>email</td> <td>The email address of any administrative user here.</td></tr>
<tr><td>password</td> <td>That user&rsquo;s password.</td></tr>
<tr><td>qname</td> <td>The fully qualified domain name for the record you are trying to set.</td></tr>
<tr><td>rtype</td> <td>Optional. The resource type: A (an IPv4 address; the default), AAAA (an IPv6 address), TXT (a text string), or CNAME (an alias, which is a fully qualified domain name).</td></tr>
<tr><td>value</td> <td>Optional-ish. The new record&rsquo;s value. If not provided, the IPv4 address of the remote host is used &mdash; this is handy for dynamic DNS! You can also set this in a POST parameter. To delete a record, pass &ldquo;value=&rdquo; in the POST body.</td></tr>


<pre># sets to point to the IP address of the machine you are executing curl on
curl -d "" --user https://{{hostname}}/admin/dns/set/

# sets an alias
curl -d "" --user https://{{hostname}}/admin/dns/set/

# sets a TXT record
curl -d "value=something%20here" --user https://{{hostname}}/admin/dns/set/

# clears the TXT record
curl -d "value=" --user https://{{hostname}}/admin/dns/set/</pre>

<h3>External DNS</h3>

<p>Although your box is configured to serve its own DNS, it is possible to host your DNS elsewhere. We do not recommend this.</p>

<p>If you do so, you are responsible for keeping your DNS entries up to date. In particular DNSSEC entries must be re-signed periodically. Do not set a DS record at your registrar or publish DNSSEC entries in your DNS zones if you do not intend to keep them up to date.</p>

<p>Enter the following DNS entries at your DNS provider:</p>

<table id="external_dns_settings" class="table">

function show_system_dns() {
  $('#external_dns_settings tbody').html("<tr><td colspan='2' class='text-muted'>Loading...</td></tr>")
    { },
    function(zones) {
      $('#external_dns_settings tbody').html("");
      for (var j = 0; j < zones.length; j++) {
        var h = $("<tr class='heading'><td colspan='3'></td></tr>");
        $('#external_dns_settings tbody').append(h);

        var r = zones[j][1];
        for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
          var n = $("<tr class='values'><td class='qname'/><td class='rtype'/><td class='value'/></tr>");
          $('#external_dns_settings tbody').append(n);

          var n = $("<tr class='explanation'><td colspan='3'/></tr>");
          $('#external_dns_settings tbody').append(n);