submodules: update some

parent 20a2ff9e
bctoolbox @ f634b8e8
Subproject commit 8b1725be953ed42cf3f4866b110a9c4a3ac2c7fb
Subproject commit f634b8e822ca0b4f6a31133b03f144a7097fb1ca
belle-sip @ f0deca3c
Subproject commit 70a0e732a40ed0c1cb5f164ad8bc2e5c963a3cac
Subproject commit f0deca3caf3ba2034c0839e49f9c51705eba69c4
linphone @ 426c38d6
Subproject commit a2ded09c90a842863f25a5133ffa8d8b409eb7fe
Subproject commit 426c38d6f6041f9330b858c579f2e57f0dfbc91e
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