Commit e652d8a2 authored by Ghislain MARY's avatar Ghislain MARY

Update belr, belcard and linphone submodules.

parent e936384b
belcard @ 4c8b60a8
Subproject commit 89b3b996cb3ad93c79cc4872ea117e44294712d4
Subproject commit 4c8b60a8c1490b74e788b2015502a53b81c53f2c
belr @ 80f4da31
Subproject commit 9e314fe740f1df872428fb7785437c0c809918a3
Subproject commit 80f4da31a9a03b4cbc9144ea44be5f9afe61b089
linphone @ 298ad573
Subproject commit f7abf57253968713659f765e0e4e85f13d6bcee1
Subproject commit 298ad5731c4102f633bc4079bf0b4ce932bd5f1d
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