Commit cbc8c720 authored by Ronan Abhamon's avatar Ronan Abhamon

fix(src/app/Paths): fix style with uncrustify

parent 3aec3dc4
......@@ -29,22 +29,19 @@
#include "Paths.hpp"
// =============================================================================
using namespace std;
#define PATH_AVATARS "/avatars/"
#define PATH_CAPTURES "/captures/"
#define PATH_LOGS "/logs/"
#define PATH_THUMBNAILS "/thumbnails/"
#define PATH_USER_CERTIFICATES "/usr-crt/"
#define PATH_CONFIG "/linphonerc"
#define PATH_CALL_HISTORY_LIST "/call-history.db"
#define PATH_CONFIG "/linphonerc"
#define PATH_FRIENDS_LIST "/friends.db"
#define PATH_MESSAGE_HISTORY_LIST "/message-history.db"
#define PATH_ZRTP_SECRETS "/zidcache"
#define PATH_USER_CERTIFICATES "/usr-crt/"
using namespace std;
// =============================================================================
......@@ -55,14 +52,15 @@ inline bool directoryPathExists (const QString &path) {
inline bool filePathExists (const QString &path) {
QFileInfo info(path);
if (!directoryPathExists(info.path())) return false;
if (!directoryPathExists(info.path()))
return false;
QFile file(path);
return file.exists();
inline bool filePathExists (const string &path) {
return filePathExists(Utils::linphoneStringToQString(path));
return filePathExists(Utils::linphoneStringToQString(path));
inline void ensureDirectoryPathExists (const QString &path) {
......@@ -91,11 +89,10 @@ inline string getFilePath (const QString &filename) {
static QString getAppConfigFilepath () {
if (QSysInfo::productType() == "macos") {
if (QSysInfo::productType() == "macos")
return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation) + PATH_CONFIG;
} else {
return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppConfigLocation) + PATH_CONFIG;
return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppConfigLocation) + PATH_CONFIG;
static QString getAppCallHistoryFilepath () {
......@@ -120,10 +117,10 @@ string Paths::getCallHistoryFilepath () {
return getFilePath(getAppCallHistoryFilepath());
string Paths::getConfigFilepath (const QString &configPath) {
if (!configPath.isEmpty()) {
return getFilePath(QFileInfo(configPath).absoluteFilePath());
string Paths::getConfigFilepath (const QString &config_path) {
if (!config_path.isEmpty())
return getFilePath(QFileInfo(config_path).absoluteFilePath());
return getFilePath(getAppConfigFilepath());
......@@ -157,53 +154,61 @@ string Paths::getUserCertificatesDirpath () {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void migrateFile (const QString &oldPath, const QString &newPath) {
QFileInfo info(newPath);
static void migrateFile (const QString &old_path, const QString &new_path) {
QFileInfo info(new_path);
if (QFile::copy(oldPath, newPath)) {
qInfo() << "Migrated" << oldPath << "to" << newPath;
if (QFile::copy(old_path, new_path)) {
qInfo() << "Migrated" << old_path << "to" << new_path;
} else {
qWarning() << "Failed migration of" << oldPath << "to" << newPath;
qWarning() << "Failed migration of" << old_path << "to" << new_path;
static void migrateConfigurationFile (const QString &oldPath, const QString &newPath) {
QFileInfo info(newPath);
static void migrateConfigurationFile (const QString &old_path, const QString &new_path) {
QFileInfo info(new_path);
if (QFile::copy(oldPath, newPath)) {
QFile oldFile(oldPath);
if ( {
QTextStream stream(&oldFile);
stream << "This file has been migrated to " << newPath;
if (QFile::copy(old_path, new_path)) {
QFile old_file(old_path);
if ( {
QTextStream stream(&old_file);
stream << "This file has been migrated to " << new_path;
QFile::setPermissions(oldPath, QFileDevice::ReadOwner);
qInfo() << "Migrated" << oldPath << "to" << newPath;
QFile::setPermissions(old_path, QFileDevice::ReadOwner);
qInfo() << "Migrated" << old_path << "to" << new_path;
} else {
qWarning() << "Failed migration of" << oldPath << "to" << newPath;
qWarning() << "Failed migration of" << old_path << "to" << new_path;
void Paths::migrate () {
QString newPath;
QString oldPath;
QString oldBaseDir;
QString new_path = getAppConfigFilepath();
QString old_base_dir = QSysInfo::productType() == "windows"
? QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation)
: QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation);
QString old_path = old_base_dir + "/.linphonerc";
if (QSysInfo::productType() == "windows") {
oldBaseDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation);
} else {
oldBaseDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation);
newPath = getAppConfigFilepath();
oldPath = oldBaseDir + "/.linphonerc";
if (!filePathExists(newPath) && filePathExists(oldPath)) migrateConfigurationFile(oldPath, newPath);
newPath = getAppCallHistoryFilepath();
oldPath = oldBaseDir + "/.linphone-call-history.db";
if (!filePathExists(newPath) && filePathExists(oldPath)) migrateFile(oldPath, newPath);
newPath = getAppFriendsFilepath();
oldPath = oldBaseDir + "/.linphone-friends.db";
if (!filePathExists(newPath) && filePathExists(oldPath)) migrateFile(oldPath, newPath);
newPath = getAppMessageHistoryFilepath();
oldPath = oldBaseDir + "/.linphone-history.db";
if (!filePathExists(newPath) && filePathExists(oldPath)) migrateFile(oldPath, newPath);
if (!filePathExists(new_path) && filePathExists(old_path))
migrateConfigurationFile(old_path, new_path);
new_path = getAppCallHistoryFilepath();
old_path = old_base_dir + "/.linphone-call-history.db";
if (!filePathExists(new_path) && filePathExists(old_path))
migrateFile(old_path, new_path);
new_path = getAppFriendsFilepath();
old_path = old_base_dir + "/.linphone-friends.db";
if (!filePathExists(new_path) && filePathExists(old_path))
migrateFile(old_path, new_path);
new_path = getAppMessageHistoryFilepath();
old_path = old_base_dir + "/.linphone-history.db";
if (!filePathExists(new_path) && filePathExists(old_path))
migrateFile(old_path, new_path);
......@@ -24,22 +24,24 @@
#define PATHS_H_
#include <string>
#include <QString>
// =============================================================================
namespace Paths {
std::string getAvatarsDirpath ();
std::string getCallHistoryFilepath ();
std::string getConfigFilepath (const QString &configPath = QString());
std::string getFriendsListFilepath ();
std::string getCapturesDirpath ();
std::string getLogsDirpath ();
std::string getMessageHistoryFilepath ();
std::string getThumbnailsDirpath ();
std::string getZrtpSecretsFilepath ();
std::string getUserCertificatesDirpath ();
std::string getCallHistoryFilepath ();
std::string getConfigFilepath (const QString &config_path = QString());
std::string getFriendsListFilepath ();
std::string getMessageHistoryFilepath ();
std::string getZrtpSecretsFilepath ();
void migrate ();
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ CoreManager *CoreManager::m_instance = nullptr;
CoreManager::CoreManager (QObject *parent, const QString &config_path) : QObject(parent), m_handlers(make_shared<CoreHandlers>()) {
// TODO: activate migration when ready to switch to this new version
// Paths::migrate();
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