Commit aa29cbde authored by Ghislain MARY's avatar Ghislain MARY

Update belr, belcard and linphone submodules.

parent c1502fe1
belcard @ b9e1951b
Subproject commit 7524da1a0548af6ee11ea910858af322161207c4
Subproject commit b9e1951be4575c62e326d761a7f7c79c5cce9cb9
belr @ 4f32b9c2
Subproject commit fdce52526089e88c98f19b0d36483cc3d31ef9bd
Subproject commit 4f32b9c29c4ab8c4ccfc1e0899019a811d495054
linphone @ 120117f7
Subproject commit 31c00aa3df13c9fe4b4e4d84ae22ee12455d2335
Subproject commit 120117f7b3cac1ba1a53bf5cc63cfbaddac6b8c5
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