Commit a7f626e3 authored by Ronan Abhamon's avatar Ronan Abhamon

fix(src/components/sip-addresses/SipAddressesModel): ignore aborted calls

parent 2c100ab0
......@@ -191,6 +191,10 @@ void SipAddressesModel::fetchSipAddresses () {
if (address_done.contains(sip_address))
continue; // Already used.
if (call_log->getStatus() == linphone::CallStatusAborted)
continue; // Ignore aborted calls.
address_done << sip_address;
QVariantMap map;
......@@ -35,18 +35,18 @@ void SmartSearchBarModel::setFilter (const QString &pattern) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool SmartSearchBarModel::filterAcceptsRow (int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const {
const QModelIndex &index = sourceModel()->index(source_row, 0, source_parent);
const QVariantMap &map =;
const QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(source_row, 0, source_parent);
const QVariantMap map =;
return computeStringWeight(map["sipAddress"].toString()) > 0;
bool SmartSearchBarModel::lessThan (const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right) const {
const QVariantMap &map_a = sourceModel()->data(left).toMap();
const QVariantMap &map_b = sourceModel()->data(right).toMap();
const QVariantMap map_a = sourceModel()->data(left).toMap();
const QVariantMap map_b = sourceModel()->data(right).toMap();
const QString &sip_address_a = map_a["sipAddress"].toString();
const QString &sip_address_b = map_b["sipAddress"].toString();
const QString sip_address_a = map_a["sipAddress"].toString();
const QString sip_address_b = map_b["sipAddress"].toString();
int weight_a = computeStringWeight(sip_address_a);
int weight_b = computeStringWeight(sip_address_b);
......@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@ QHash<int, QByteArray> TimelineModel::roleNames () const {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool TimelineModel::filterAcceptsRow (int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const {
const QModelIndex &index = sourceModel()->index(source_row, 0, source_parent);
const QVariantMap &map =;
const QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(source_row, 0, source_parent);
const QVariantMap map =;
return map.contains("timestamp");
bool TimelineModel::lessThan (const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right) const {
const QVariantMap &sip_address_a = sourceModel()->data(left).toMap();
const QVariantMap &sip_address_b = sourceModel()->data(right).toMap();
const QVariantMap sip_address_a = sourceModel()->data(left).toMap();
const QVariantMap sip_address_b = sourceModel()->data(right).toMap();
return sip_address_a["timestamp"] > sip_address_b["timestamp"];
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