Commit 9b98924c authored by Ronan Abhamon's avatar Ronan Abhamon

fix(ContactsListProxyModel): use a better algorithm to filter contacts

parent cc3fff24
......@@ -9,10 +9,13 @@ ContactsListModel::ContactsListModel (QObject *parent): QAbstractListModel(paren
m_list << new ContactModel("Daniel Elliott", "", ContactModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Effie Forton", "", ContactModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Agnes Hurner", "", ContactModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Luke Lemin", "", ContactModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Olga Manning", "", ContactModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Luke Lemin", "", ContactModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Claire Manning", "", ContactModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Isabella Ahornton", "", ContactModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Mary Boreno", "", ContactModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Aman Than", "", ContactModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel(" abdoul", "", ContactModel::Online, QStringList(""));
int ContactsListModel::rowCount (const QModelIndex &) const {
......@@ -10,6 +10,19 @@
ContactsListModel *ContactsListProxyModel::m_list = nullptr;
// Notes:
// - First `^` is necessary to search two words with one separator
// between them like `Claire Manning`.
// - [^_.-;@ ] is used to search patterns which starts with
// a separator like ` word`.
// - [_.-;@ ] is the main pattern.
const QRegExp ContactsListProxyModel::search_separators("^[^_.-;@ ][_.-;@ ]");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
ContactsListProxyModel::ContactsListProxyModel (QObject *parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent) {
......@@ -33,7 +46,7 @@ bool ContactsListProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow (int source_row, const QModelIndex
int weight = m_weights[contact] = computeContactWeight(*contact);
int weight = m_weights[contact] = static_cast<int>(computeContactWeight(*contact));
return weight > 0;
......@@ -55,23 +68,51 @@ bool ContactsListProxyModel::lessThan (const QModelIndex &left, const QModelInde
int ContactsListProxyModel::computeContactWeight (const ContactModel &contact) const {
float weight = 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if (filterRegExp().indexIn(contact.m_username) != -1)
float ContactsListProxyModel::computeStringWeight (const QString &string, float percentage) const {
const static int max = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
const QStringList &addresses = contact.m_sip_addresses;
int index = -1;
int offset = -1;
// Search pattern.
while ((index = filterRegExp().indexIn(string, index + 1)) != -1) {
// Search n chars between one separator and index.
int tmp_offset = index - string.lastIndexOf(search_separators, index) - 1;
if (filterRegExp().indexIn(addresses[0]) != -1)
qDebug() << string << string.lastIndexOf(search_separators, index) << tmp_offset;
if ((tmp_offset != -1 && tmp_offset < offset) || offset == -1)
offset = tmp_offset;
if (offset == -1)
return 0;
switch (offset) {
case 0: return percentage;
case 1: return percentage * 0.90;
case 2: return percentage * 0.80;
case 3: return percentage * 0.70;
default: break;
return percentage * 0.60;
float ContactsListProxyModel::computeContactWeight (const ContactModel &contact) const {
float weight = computeStringWeight(contact.m_username, USERNAME_WEIGHT);
const QStringList &addresses = contact.m_sip_addresses;
weight += computeStringWeight(addresses[0], MAIN_SIP_ADDRESS_WEIGHT);
int size = addresses.size();
if (size > 1)
for (auto it = ++addresses.constBegin(); it != addresses.constEnd(); ++it)
if (filterRegExp().indexIn(*it) != -1)
weight += computeStringWeight(*it, OTHER_SIP_ADDRESSES_WEIGHT / size);
qDebug() << contact.m_username << weight;
return static_cast<int>(weight);
return weight;
......@@ -19,7 +19,10 @@ protected:
bool lessThan (const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right) const;
int computeContactWeight (const ContactModel &contact) const;
float computeStringWeight (const QString &string, float percentage) const;
float computeContactWeight (const ContactModel &contact) const;
static const QRegExp search_separators;
// The contacts list is shared between `ContactsListProxyModel`
// it's necessary to initialize it with `initContactsListModel`.
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ ColumnLayout {
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