Commit 8576147a authored by Ronan Abhamon's avatar Ronan Abhamon

feat(src/components/chat/ChatModel): supports terminated calls

parent 990dc04f
......@@ -169,10 +169,12 @@ private:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ChatModel::ChatModel (QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent) {
m_core_handlers = CoreManager::getInstance()->getHandlers();
CoreManager *core = CoreManager::getInstance();
m_core_handlers = core->getHandlers();
m_message_handlers = make_shared<MessageHandlers>(this);
&(*m_core_handlers), &CoreHandlers::messageReceived,
......@@ -185,6 +187,14 @@ ChatModel::ChatModel (QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent) {
&(*m_core_handlers), &CoreHandlers::callStateChanged,
this, [this](const std::shared_ptr<linphone::Call> &call, linphone::CallState state) {
if (state == linphone::CallStateEnd || state == linphone::CallStateError)
ChatModel::~ChatModel () {
......@@ -282,39 +292,8 @@ void ChatModel::setSipAddress (const QString &sip_address) {
// Get calls.
auto insert_entry = [this](
const ChatEntryData &pair,
const QList<ChatEntryData>::iterator *start = NULL
) {
auto it = lower_bound(
start ? *start : m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end(), pair,
[](const ChatEntryData &a, const ChatEntryData &b) {
return a.first["timestamp"] < b.first["timestamp"];
return m_entries.insert(it, pair);
for (auto &call_log : core->getCallHistoryForAddress(m_chat_room->getPeerAddress())) {
linphone::CallStatus status = call_log->getStatus();
// Ignore aborted calls.
if (status == linphone::CallStatusAborted)
// Add start call.
QVariantMap start;
fillCallStartEntry(start, call_log);
auto it = insert_entry(qMakePair(start, static_pointer_cast<void>(call_log)));
// Add end call. (if necessary)
if (status == linphone::CallStatusSuccess) {
QVariantMap end;
fillCallEndEntry(end, call_log);
insert_entry(qMakePair(end, static_pointer_cast<void>(call_log)), &it);
for (auto &call_log : core->getCallHistoryForAddress(m_chat_room->getPeerAddress()))
......@@ -379,6 +358,7 @@ void ChatModel::resendMessage (int id) {
switch (map["status"].toInt()) {
case MessageStatusFileTransferError:
case MessageStatusNotDelivered: {
// TODO: Do not duplicate me! Use a linphone core function in the future.
shared_ptr<linphone::ChatMessage> message = static_pointer_cast<linphone::ChatMessage>(entry.second);
shared_ptr<linphone::ChatMessage> message2 = message->clone();
......@@ -544,6 +524,46 @@ void ChatModel::removeEntry (ChatEntryData &pair) {
void ChatModel::insertCall (const shared_ptr<linphone::CallLog> &call_log) {
auto insert_entry = [this](
const ChatEntryData &pair,
const QList<ChatEntryData>::iterator *start = NULL
) {
auto it = lower_bound(
start ? *start : m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end(), pair,
[](const ChatEntryData &a, const ChatEntryData &b) {
return a.first["timestamp"] < b.first["timestamp"];
int row = static_cast<int>(distance(m_entries.begin(), it));
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row);
it = m_entries.insert(it, pair);
return it;
linphone::CallStatus status = call_log->getStatus();
// Ignore aborted calls.
if (status == linphone::CallStatusAborted)
// Add start call.
QVariantMap start;
fillCallStartEntry(start, call_log);
auto it = insert_entry(qMakePair(start, static_pointer_cast<void>(call_log)));
// Add end call. (if necessary)
if (status == linphone::CallStatusSuccess) {
QVariantMap end;
fillCallEndEntry(end, call_log);
insert_entry(qMakePair(end, static_pointer_cast<void>(call_log)), &it);
void ChatModel::insertMessageAtEnd (const shared_ptr<linphone::ChatMessage> &message) {
int row = m_entries.count();
......@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ private:
void removeEntry (ChatEntryData &pair);
void insertCall (const std::shared_ptr<linphone::CallLog> &call_log);
void insertMessageAtEnd (const std::shared_ptr<linphone::ChatMessage> &message);
void resetMessagesCount ();
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