Commit 737c52aa authored by Ronan Abhamon's avatar Ronan Abhamon

feat(Chat): supports text selection

parent 51b629c4
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ ColumnLayout {
// TMP
model: ListModel {
ListElement { $dateSection: 1465389121000; $outgoing: true; $timestamp: 1465389121000; $type: 'message'; $content: "<img src='' width='50%' height='50%' />" }
ListElement { $dateSection: 1465389121000; $outgoing: true; $timestamp: 1465389121000; $type: 'message'; $content: " <img src='' width='50%' height='50%' />" }
ListElement { $dateSection: 1465389121000; $outgoing: true; $timestamp: 1465389121000; $type: 'message'; $content: "<a href=''>Contact mail</a>" }
ListElement { $dateSection: 1465389121000; $timestamp: 1465389133000; $type: 'event'; $content: 'incoming_call' }
ListElement { $dateSection: 1465389121000; $timestamp: 1465389439000; $type: 'message'; $content: '<blink>Perfect!</blink> bg g vg gv v g v hgv gv gv jhb jh b jb jh hg vg cfcy f v u uyg f tf tf ft f tf t t fy ft f tu ty f rd rd d d uu gu y gg y f r dr ' }
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Item {
) + text.padding * 2
Text {
TextEdit {
id: text
anchors {
......@@ -37,12 +37,11 @@ Item {
right: container.right
padding: ChatStyle.entry.message.padding
readOnly: true
selectByMouse: true
text: Utils.encodeUrisToQmlFormat($content)
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
// Little fix. Text may disappear with scrolling.
renderType: Text.NativeRendering
// See
// and
textFormat: Text.RichText
Markdown is supported
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