Commit 5ac95dec authored by Ronan Abhamon's avatar Ronan Abhamon

chore(submodules): update bctoolbox, belle-sip & belr

parent 234a8cc9
bctoolbox @ 5514cd0b
Subproject commit 8ed19292d82df1f1ae768f333439697b5a87fd4f
Subproject commit 5514cd0b4c1e632ffb234373e6c34f4ac791e003
belle-sip @ 52440dc7
Subproject commit d95f3f9fc6e1a9bacd50c6b5c5e80e24a44796f6
Subproject commit 52440dc7630633cf3cf72f8772067febaafabf39
belr @ 040f9672
Subproject commit 9415a2fa464a2790d707f0a63b2c2704aff0173c
Subproject commit 040f96724c6a828516f88897bd604ab0ce82aae0
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