Commit 47c733bb authored by Ronan Abhamon's avatar Ronan Abhamon

feat(InvertedMouseArea): add spec file to test emitted signals

parent 521b9681
......@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
# Tool to run unit tests on all `*.spec.qml` files.
# ====================================================================
......@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ do
if [ -f $spec_qml_file ]; then
printf "${BLUE}Running unit qml tests of '${qml_file}'...${NC}\n"
$TEST_RUNNER -import $MODULES_PATH -input "$spec_qml_file"
$TEST_RUNNER -import $MODULES_PATH -import $SCRIPTS_PATH -input "$spec_qml_file"
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
printf "${GREEN}All unit tests have succeeded for '${spec_qml_file}'.\n"
......@@ -122,7 +122,6 @@ RowLayout {
InvertedMouseArea {
enabled: textEdit.activeFocus
height: textEdit.height
parent: parent
width: textEdit.width
onPressed: textEdit.focus = false
......@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ Item {
return (
point.x >= item.x &&
point.y >= item.y &&
point.x <= item.x + item.width &&
point.y <= item.y + item.height
point.x < item.x + item.width &&
point.y < item.y + item.height
......@@ -50,9 +50,8 @@ Item {
// See:
// The creation order of components in a view is undefined,
// so the mouse area must be created only when `enabled === true`.
// In the first render, `enabled` must be equal to false.
// so the mouse area must be created only when the target component
// was completed.
Component.onCompleted: enabled && _createMouseArea()
Component.onDestruction: _deleteMouseArea()
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtTest 1.1
import Utils 1.0
// ===================================================================
Rectangle {
id: root
color: 'violet'
height: 200
width: 300
Rectangle {
id: item
color: 'pink'
height: 80
width: 100
x: 120
y: 100
InvertedMouseArea {
id: invertedMouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
SignalSpy {
id: spy
signalName: 'pressed'
TestCase {
when: windowShown
function test_randomInsideMouseArea () {
var failFun = function () {
fail('`pressed` signal was emitted.')
Utils.times(100, function () {
var x = Math.floor(Utils.genRandomNumber(item.x, item.x + width))
var y = Math.floor(Utils.genRandomNumber(item.y, item.y + height))
mouseClick(root, x, y)
function test_randomOutsideMouseArea () { = invertedMouseArea
Utils.times(50, function () {
var x = Math.floor(Utils.genRandomNumberBetweenIntervals([
[ 0, item.x ], [ item.x + item.width, root.width ]
var y = Math.floor(Utils.genRandomNumberBetweenIntervals([
[ 0, item.y ], [ item.y + item.height, root.height ]
mouseClick(root, x, y)
Utils.times(50, function () {
var x = Math.floor(Utils.genRandomNumber(item.x, item.x + item.width))
var y = Math.floor(Utils.genRandomNumberBetweenIntervals([
[ 0, item.y ], [ item.y + item.height, root.height ]
mouseClick(root, x, y)
......@@ -79,10 +79,8 @@ Item {
InvertedMouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
enabled: menu.visible
height: parent.height
parent: parent
width: parent.width
onPressed: _hideMenu()
......@@ -30,15 +30,7 @@ function openWindow (window, parent, options) {
object = component.createObject(parent)
console.debug('Open window.')
object.closing.connect(function () {
console.debug('Destroy window.')
object.exitStatus.connect(function (status) {
console.debug('Exit status: ' + status)
if (options && options.exitHandler) {
......@@ -135,3 +127,39 @@ function times (n, cb, context) {
function isString (string) {
return typeof string === 'string' || string instanceof String
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate a random number in the [min, max[ interval.
// Uniform distrib.
function genRandomNumber (min, max) {
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate a random number between a set of intervals.
// The `intervals` param must be orderer like this:
// `[ [ 1, 4 ], [ 8, 16 ], [ 22, 25 ] ]`
function genRandomNumberBetweenIntervals (intervals) {
// Compute the number of values.
var size = 0
intervals.forEach(function (interval) {
size += interval[1] - interval[0]
// Generate a value in the interval: `[0, size[`
var n = genRandomNumber(0, size)
// Map the value in the right interval.
n += intervals[0][0]
for (var i = 0; i < intervals.length - 1; i++) {
if (n < intervals[i][1]) {
n += intervals[i + 1][0] - intervals[i][1]
return n
......@@ -99,11 +99,6 @@ TestCase {
failed = true
// Simulate time
Utils.times(500000, function (i) {
// Nothing.
if (failed) {
fail('`setTimeout` callback was called before `wait`.')
......@@ -160,4 +155,62 @@ TestCase {
function test_isString (data) {
compare(Utils.isString(data.input), data.output)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
function test_genRandomNumber_data () {
return [
{ min: 42, max: 3600 },
{ min: 10, max: 100 },
{ min: 58, max: 61 },
{ min: 2, max: 3 }
function test_genRandomNumber (data) {
Utils.times(10, function () {
var n = Utils.genRandomNumber(data.min, data.max)
compare(n >= data.min && n < data.max, true)
function test_genRandomNumberId () {
compare(Utils.genRandomNumber(42, 42), 42)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
function test_genRandomNumberBetweenIntervals_data () {
return [
{ intervals: [ [ 1, 5 ] ] },
{ intervals: [ [ 8, 9 ], [ 10, 15 ] ] },
{ intervals: [ [ 1, 4 ], [ 8, 16 ], [ 22, 25 ] ] },
{ intervals: [ [ 11, 12 ], [ 50, 80 ], [ 92, 93 ], [ 1000, 1100 ] ] },
{ intervals: [ [ -5, -2 ] ] },
{ intervals: [ [ -5, -2 ], [ 12, 14 ] ] },
{ intervals: [ [ -127, -111 ], [ -35, -14 ], [ 1256, 1270 ], [ 10000, 10020 ] ] }
function test_genRandomNumberBetweenIntervals (data) {
var intervals = data.intervals
Utils.times(10, function () {
var n = Utils.genRandomNumberBetweenIntervals(intervals)
var soFarSoGood = false
for (var i = 0; i < intervals.length; i++) {
if (n >= intervals[i][0] && n < intervals[i][1]) {
soFarSoGood = true
'The generated number cannot be found in a interval.'
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