Commit 43cf6e25 authored by Simon Morlat's avatar Simon Morlat

update submodules

parent 7d726692
bctoolbox @ ec7f3013
Subproject commit 02caea7df8381b0c5dadcfbfd39ff0b33a2577b7
Subproject commit ec7f3013cc46879dea9e4d490e70f4ab55bafe2c
bzrtp @ 37adaa05
Subproject commit 49a0bb2c0237237fc1b4213918dc9032817b25f1
Subproject commit 37adaa0536432149a51332d8eb04973a3ba6bac9
linphone @ e53139f3
Subproject commit daa9ed3fa2d52827228d0ed9ff49c79f7f61a78e
Subproject commit e53139f31598a2c8ec5daa2f392475997b867350
mediastreamer2 @ f1e50f50
Subproject commit 6dd4897d92da208e7fa656e7b56fa8c446a81946
Subproject commit f1e50f502b34f186ac6e801f865019479da3b4b5
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