Commit 3ffb25a4 authored by Ronan Abhamon's avatar Ronan Abhamon

fix(app): many different fixes

parent fa2f547e
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<g id="Symbols" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<g id="auto_answer_inactive" stroke="#CBCBCB">
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......@@ -137,6 +137,5 @@ bool ContactsListProxyModel::isConnectedFilterUsed () const {
void ContactsListProxyModel::setConnectedFilter (bool useConnectedFilter) {
m_use_connected_filter = useConnectedFilter;
qDebug() << useConnectedFilter;
......@@ -3,14 +3,16 @@
#include "logger.hpp"
#ifdef __linux__
#define RED "\x1B[1;31m"
#define GREEN "\x1B[1;32m"
#define BLUE "\x1B[1;34m"
#define GREEN "\x1B[1;32m"
#define PURPLE "\x1B[1;35m"
#define RED "\x1B[1;31m"
#define RESET "\x1B[0m"
#define RED ""
#define GREEN ""
#define BLUE ""
#define GREEN ""
#define PURPLE ""
#define RED ""
#define RESET ""
......@@ -21,26 +23,28 @@ void qmlLogger (QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString
QByteArray date_time = QDateTime::currentDateTime()
const char *context_file = context.file ?: "cpp";
switch (type) {
case QtDebugMsg:
fprintf(stderr, GREEN "[%s][Debug]" RESET "%s:%u: %s\n",
date_time.constData(), context.file, context.line, local_msg.constData());
fprintf(stderr, GREEN "[%s][Debug]" PURPLE "%s:%u: " RESET "%s\n",
date_time.constData(), context_file, context.line, local_msg.constData());
case QtInfoMsg:
fprintf(stderr, BLUE "[%s][Info]" RESET "%s:%u: %s\n",
date_time.constData(), context.file, context.line, local_msg.constData());
fprintf(stderr, BLUE "[%s][Info]" PURPLE "%s:%u: " RESET "%s\n",
date_time.constData(), context_file, context.line, local_msg.constData());
case QtWarningMsg:
fprintf(stderr, RED "[%s][Warning]" RESET "%s:%u: %s\n",
date_time.constData(), context.file, context.line, local_msg.constData());
fprintf(stderr, RED "[%s][Warning]" PURPLE "%s:%u: " RESET "%s\n",
date_time.constData(), context_file, context.line, local_msg.constData());
case QtCriticalMsg:
fprintf(stderr, RED "[%s][Critical]" RESET "%s:%u: %s\n",
date_time.constData(), context.file, context.line, local_msg.constData());
fprintf(stderr, RED "[%s][Critical]" PURPLE "%s:%u: " RESET "%s\n",
date_time.constData(), context_file, context.line, local_msg.constData());
case QtFatalMsg:
fprintf(stderr, RED "[%s][Fatal]" RESET "%s:%u: %s\n",
date_time.constData(), context.file, context.line, local_msg.constData());
fprintf(stderr, RED "[%s][Fatal]" PURPLE "%s:%u: " RESET "%s\n",
date_time.constData(), context_file, context.line, local_msg.constData());
......@@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ QtObject {
property color l: '#000000' // Text color.
property color m: '#D1D1D1' // SmallButton Normal.
property color n: '#C0C0C0' // SmallButton Hovered.
property color o: '#232323' // TextButtonA Hovered.
property color p: '#B1B1B1' // TextButtonB text Hovered.
......@@ -38,6 +35,8 @@ QtObject {
property color j75: '#BF4B5964'
property color k: '#FFFFFF'
property color k50: '#32FFFFFF'
property color m: '#D1D1D1'
property color n: '#C0C0C0'
property color r: '#595759'
property color s: '#D64D00'
property color t: '#FF8600'
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Common.Styles 1.0
// ===================================================================
Controls.TextField {
property string icon
property alias icon: icon.icon
background: Rectangle {
border {
......@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ ApplicationWindow {
Icon {
icon: AccountSettingsModel.autoAnswerStatus
? 'auto_answer_active'
: 'auto_answer_inactive'
? 'auto_answer'
: ''
iconSize: MainWindowStyle.autoAnswerStatus.iconSize
......@@ -76,9 +76,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
text: qsTr('autoAnswerStatus')
width: parent.width
color: AccountSettingsModel.autoAnswerStatus
? MainWindowStyle.autoAnswerStatus.text.color.enabled
: MainWindowStyle.autoAnswerStatus.text.color.disabled
color: MainWindowStyle.autoAnswerStatus.text.color
......@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ QtObject {
property QtObject contact: QtObject {
property int actionButtonsSize: 36
property int avatarSize: 30
property int deleteButtonSize: 16
property int deleteButtonSize: 18
property int height: 50
property int leftMargin: 15
property int leftMargin: 40
property int presenceLevelSize: 12
property int rightMargin: 25
property int spacing: 15
......@@ -20,11 +20,7 @@ QtObject {
property QtObject text: QtObject {
property int fontSize: 8
property QtObject color: QtObject {
property color enabled: Colors.i
property color disabled: Colors.c
property color color: Colors.j75
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