Commit 3fdaa51c authored by Ronan Abhamon's avatar Ronan Abhamon

feat(Animations/CaterpillarAnimation): better animation

parent 681b3512
......@@ -3,44 +3,91 @@ import QtQuick 2.7
Row {
id: container
property int sphereSize: 10
property int duration: 200
property int nSpheres: 3
property color sphereColor: '#8F8F8F'
property int sphereSize: 10
property int sphereSpaceSize: 10
spacing: 6
Repeater {
id: repeater
model: nSpheres
Rectangle {
id: ymovingBox
id: sphere
color: '#8F8F8F'
height: container.sphereSize
radius: container.sphereSize / 2
property bool forceRunning: false
property int previousY: 0
function startAnimation () {
if (!animator.running) {
animator.running = true
} else {
forceRunning = true
color: sphereColor
height: width
radius: width / 2
width: container.sphereSize
onYChanged: console.log('y changed', y)
onYChanged: {
// No call executed by last sphere.
if (index === nSpheres - 1) {
if (y === (sphereSpaceSize / 2) && previousY === 0) {
repeater.itemAt(index + 1).startAnimation()
previousY = y
Component.onCompleted: {
// Only start first sphere.
if (index === 0) {
animator.running = true
YAnimator on y {
duration: container.duration
from: 0
id: animator
duration: 500
from: 10
running: true
to: 0
running: false
to: sphereSpaceSize / 2
onRunningChanged: {
if (!running) {
if (to === 0) {
to = 10
from = 0
} else {
to = 0
from = 10
if (running) {
var mid = sphereSpaceSize / 2
if (from === sphereSpaceSize && to === mid) {
from = mid
to = 0
} else if (from === mid && to === 0) {
from = 0
to = mid
animator.running = true
if (index !== 0 && !forceRunning) {
} else if (from === 0 && to === mid) {
from = mid
to = sphereSpaceSize
} else {
from = sphereSpaceSize
to = mid
forceRunning = false
animator.running = true
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