implement check_tools

parent a1e68e07
......@@ -26,15 +26,16 @@ import argparse
import os
import platform
import sys
from logging import error, warning, info, INFO, basicConfig
from subprocess import Popen
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
sys.path.insert(0, 'submodules/cmake-builder')
import prepare
"Could not find prepare module, probably missing submodules/cmake-builder? Try running:\ngit submodule update --init --recursive")
except Exception as e:
"Could not find prepare module: {}, probably missing submodules/cmake-builder? Try running:\ngit submodule update --init --recursive".format(e))
......@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ class DesktopTarget(prepare.Target):
current_path + '/submodules'
class PythonTarget(prepare.Target):
def __init__(self):
......@@ -68,6 +70,7 @@ class PythonTarget(prepare.Target):
current_path + '/submodules'
class PythonRaspberryTarget(prepare.Target):
def __init__(self):
......@@ -83,10 +86,10 @@ class PythonRaspberryTarget(prepare.Target):
def check_is_installed(binary, prog=None, warn=True):
def check_is_installed(binary, prog='it', warn=True):
if not find_executable(binary):
if warn:
print("Could not find {}. Please install {}.".format(binary, prog))
error("Could not find {}. Please install {}.".format(binary, prog))
return False
return True
......@@ -94,13 +97,20 @@ def check_is_installed(binary, prog=None, warn=True):
def check_tools():
ret = 0
#at least FFmpeg requires no whitespace in sources path...
if " " in os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)):
print("Invalid location: path should not contain any spaces.")
error("Invalid location: path should not contain any spaces.")
ret = 1
ret |= not check_is_installed('cmake')
if not os.path.isdir("submodules/linphone/mediastreamer2/src") or not os.path.isdir("submodules/linphone/oRTP/src"):
error("Missing some git submodules. Did you run:\n\tgit submodule update --init --recursive")
ret = 1
print("check_tools: todo.. (see ios)")
return ret
def generate_makefile(generator):
makefile = """
.PHONY: all
......@@ -135,6 +145,8 @@ help: help-prepare-options
def main(argv=None):
basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=INFO)
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
......@@ -194,18 +206,19 @@ def main(argv=None):
if args.tunnel or os.path.isdir("submodules/tunnel"):
if not os.path.isdir("submodules/tunnel"):
print("Tunnel wanted but not found yet, trying to clone it...")
info("Tunnel wanted but not found yet, trying to clone it...")
p = Popen("git clone submodules/tunnel".split(" "))
if p.retcode != 0:
print("Could not clone tunnel. Please see")
if p.returncode != 0:
error("Could not clone tunnel. Please see")
return 1
print("Tunnel enabled.")
info("Tunnel enabled.")
additional_args += ["-DENABLE_TUNNEL=YES"]
# install_git_hook()
target = None
if args.python:
target = PythonTarget()
elif args.python_raspberry:
......@@ -226,19 +239,19 @@ def main(argv=None):
Popen("make help-prepare-options".split(" "))
retcode = 0
return retcode
#only generated makefile if we are using Ninja or Makefile
# only generated makefile if we are using Ninja or Makefile
if args.generator.endswith('Ninja'):
if not check_is_installed("ninja", "it"):
return 1
generate_makefile('ninja -C')
print("You can now run 'make' to build.")
info("You can now run 'make' to build.")
elif args.generator.endswith("Unix Makefiles"):
generate_makefile('$(MAKE) -C')
print("You can now run 'make' to build.")
info("You can now run 'make' to build.")
elif args.generator == "Xcode":
print("You can now open Xcode project with: open WORK/cmake/Project.xcodeproj")
info("You can now open Xcode project with: open WORK/cmake/Project.xcodeproj")
print("Not generating meta-makefile for generator {}.".format(args.generator))
warning("Not generating meta-makefile for generator {}.".format(args.generator))
return 0
cmake-builder @ c150b74f
Subproject commit cc5ef3cb90f392834cde9a850ebdbe7efd6c6bfe
Subproject commit c150b74f65cdb57e6af6a9b9cb202269bccb6465
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