Commit 151a4d83 authored by Ghislain MARY's avatar Ghislain MARY

Add .sln extension for the link to the Visual Studio solution.

parent 2d36ccb5
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Here are the general instructions to build linphone for desktop. The specific in
2. Open the generated Visual Studio solution `Project.lnk` and build it.
2. Open the generated Visual Studio solution `Project.sln.lnk` and build it.
## Known bugs and issues
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ if(LINPHONE_BUILDER_TARGET STREQUAL linphoneqt AND WIN32)
add_custom_target(linphoneqt_winshortcut ALL DEPENDS "${SHORTCUT_PATH}" TARGET_linphone_builder)
# Create a shortcut to the solution file in the top directory
set(SHORTCUT_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../../Project.lnk")
set(SHORTCUT_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../../Project.sln.lnk")
configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/linphone_package/" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/solutionshortcut.vbs" @ONLY)
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