Commit 0f09a0b5 authored by Ronan Abhamon's avatar Ronan Abhamon

feat(ChatModel): ignore CallStatusAcceptedElsewhere and CallStatusDeclinedElsewhere states

parent 6715a13e
......@@ -608,6 +608,10 @@ void ChatModel::insertCall (const shared_ptr<linphone::CallLog> &callLog) {
case linphone::CallStatusEarlyAborted:
return; // Ignore aborted calls.
case linphone::CallStatusAcceptedElsewhere:
case linphone::CallStatusDeclinedElsewhere:
return; // Ignore accepted calls on other device.
case linphone::CallStatusSuccess:
case linphone::CallStatusMissed:
case linphone::CallStatusDeclined:
......@@ -615,21 +619,21 @@ void ChatModel::insertCall (const shared_ptr<linphone::CallLog> &callLog) {
auto insertEntry = [this](
const ChatEntryData &pair,
const QList<ChatEntryData>::iterator *start = NULL
) {
auto it = lower_bound(start ? *start : mEntries.begin(), mEntries.end(), pair, [](const ChatEntryData &a, const ChatEntryData &b) {
return a.first["timestamp"] < b.first["timestamp"];
const ChatEntryData &pair,
const QList<ChatEntryData>::iterator *start = NULL
) {
auto it = lower_bound(start ? *start : mEntries.begin(), mEntries.end(), pair, [](const ChatEntryData &a, const ChatEntryData &b) {
return a.first["timestamp"] < b.first["timestamp"];
int row = static_cast<int>(distance(mEntries.begin(), it));
int row = static_cast<int>(distance(mEntries.begin(), it));
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row);
it = mEntries.insert(it, pair);
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row);
it = mEntries.insert(it, pair);
return it;
return it;
// Add start call.
QVariantMap start;
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