Commit 06ecb0b2 authored by Ronan Abhamon's avatar Ronan Abhamon

fix(presence): refactoring

parent 877da996
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ HEADERS = \
src/components/contacts/ContactsListModel.hpp \
src/components/contacts/ContactsListProxyModel.hpp \
src/components/notification/Notification.hpp \
src/components/presence/PresenceModel.hpp \
src/components/presence/Presence.hpp \
src/components/settings/AccountSettingsListModel.hpp \
src/components/settings/AccountSettingsModel.hpp \
src/components/settings/SettingsModel.hpp \
#include "ContactModel.hpp"
// ===================================================================
QString ContactModel::getUsername () const {
return m_username;
void ContactModel::setUsername (const QString &username) {
m_username = username;
QString ContactModel::getAvatar () const {
return m_avatar;
void ContactModel::setAvatar (const QString &avatar) {
m_avatar = avatar;
Presence::PresenceStatus ContactModel::getPresenceStatus () const {
return m_presence_status;
Presence::PresenceLevel ContactModel::getPresenceLevel () const {
return Presence::getPresenceLevel(m_presence_status);
QStringList ContactModel::getSipAddresses () const {
return m_sip_addresses;
void ContactModel::setSipAddresses (const QStringList &sip_addresses) {
m_sip_addresses = sip_addresses;
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#include <QObject>
#include "../presence/PresenceModel.hpp"
#include "../presence/Presence.hpp"
// ===================================================================
......@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ class ContactModel : public QObject {
PresenceModel::Presence presence
READ getPresence
Presence::PresenceStatus presenceStatus
READ getPresenceStatus
PresenceModel::PresenceLevel presenceLevel
Presence::PresenceLevel presenceLevel
READ getPresenceLevel
......@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ public:
ContactModel (
const QString &username,
const QString &avatar,
const PresenceModel::Presence &presence,
const Presence::PresenceStatus &presence_status,
const QStringList &sip_addresses
): ContactModel() {
): ContactModel () {
m_username = username;
m_avatar = avatar;
m_presence = presence;
m_presence_status = presence_status;
m_sip_addresses = sip_addresses;
......@@ -63,41 +63,21 @@ signals:
void contactUpdated ();
QString getUsername () const {
return m_username;
void setUsername (const QString &username) {
m_username = username;
QString getUsername () const;
void setUsername (const QString &username);
QString getAvatar () const {
return m_avatar;
QString getAvatar () const;
void setAvatar (const QString &avatar);
void setAvatar (const QString &avatar) {
m_avatar = avatar;
Presence::PresenceStatus getPresenceStatus () const;
Presence::PresenceLevel getPresenceLevel () const;
PresenceModel::Presence getPresence () const {
return m_presence;
PresenceModel::PresenceLevel getPresenceLevel () const {
return PresenceModel::getPresenceLevel(m_presence);
QStringList getSipAddresses () const {
return m_sip_addresses;
void setSipAddresses (const QStringList &sip_addresses) {
m_sip_addresses = sip_addresses;
QStringList getSipAddresses () const;
void setSipAddresses (const QStringList &sip_addresses);
QString m_username;
QString m_avatar;
PresenceModel::Presence m_presence = PresenceModel::Online;
Presence::PresenceStatus m_presence_status = Presence::Offline;
QStringList m_sip_addresses;
......@@ -4,18 +4,18 @@
ContactsListModel::ContactsListModel (QObject *parent): QAbstractListModel(parent) {
// TMP.
m_list << new ContactModel("Toto Roi", "", PresenceModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Mary Boreno", "", PresenceModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Cecelia Cyler", "", PresenceModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Daniel Elliott", "", PresenceModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Effie Forton", "", PresenceModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Agnes Hurner", "", PresenceModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Luke Lemin", "", PresenceModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Claire Manning", "", PresenceModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Isabella Ahornton", "", PresenceModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Mary Boreno", "", PresenceModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Aman Than", "", PresenceModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel(" abdoul", "", PresenceModel::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Toto Roi", "", Presence::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Mary Boreno", "", Presence::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Cecelia Cyler", "", Presence::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Daniel Elliott", "", Presence::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Effie Forton", "", Presence::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Agnes Hurner", "", Presence::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Luke Lemin", "", Presence::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Claire Manning", "", Presence::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Isabella Ahornton", "", Presence::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Mary Boreno", "", Presence::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel("Aman Than", "", Presence::Online, QStringList(""));
m_list << new ContactModel(" abdoul", "", Presence::Online, QStringList(""));
#ifndef PRESENCE_H_
#define PRESENCE_H_
#include <QObject>
// ===================================================================
class PresenceModel : public QObject {
class Presence : public QObject {
enum Presence {
enum PresenceStatus {
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public:
enum PresenceLevel {
......@@ -30,18 +30,18 @@ public:
PresenceModel (QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR) { }
Presence (QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR): QObject(parent) { }
static PresenceLevel getPresenceLevel (const Presence &presence) {
if (presence == Online)
static PresenceLevel getPresenceLevel (const PresenceStatus &presenceStatus) {
if (presenceStatus == Online)
return Green;
if (presence == DoNotDisturb)
if (presenceStatus == DoNotDisturb)
return Red;
if (presence == Offline)
if (presenceStatus == Offline)
return White;
return Orange;
#endif // PRESENCE_H_
#include <cstdlib>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
......@@ -10,8 +9,6 @@
#include "app.hpp"
#include "components/contacts/ContactsListProxyModel.hpp"
#include "components/contacts/ContactsListModel.hpp"
#include "components/notification/Notification.hpp"
// ===================================================================
......@@ -50,7 +47,7 @@ void setTrayIcon (QQmlApplicationEngine &engine) {
void registerTypes () {
"Linphone", 1, 0, "Presence", "Presence is uncreatable"
......@@ -62,7 +59,6 @@ void addContextProperties (QQmlApplicationEngine &engine) {
QQmlContext *context = engine.rootContext();
context->setContextProperty("Notification", new Notification());
context->setContextProperty("ContactsListModel", new ContactsListProxyModel());
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
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