• Julius Volz's avatar
    Improve overall website design. · d55a613e
    Julius Volz authored
    - Thinner and more elegant fonts on landing page.
    - Removed "Overview" menu item, shortened "Documentation" to "Docs".
    - Replaced jumbotron logo+title with motivational text.
    - Removed "View details" buttons on landing page, make features clickable
    - Introduced testimonial quote section on landing page.
    - Introduced "Open Source" section on landing page.
    - Refactored overall jumbotron layout/content.
    - Removed PromCon 2016 button.
    - Changed documentation font to smaller size.
    - Adjusted header font sizes and weights.
    - Made code blocks look cooler, with orange left border.
    - Don't wrap long lines in code blocks.
    - Harmonized background colors between pre, code, and toc.
    - Aligned the navbar Prometheus logo with the docs menu.
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