Commit ccebb61d authored by beorn7's avatar beorn7

Improve the naming section.

Fixes .
parent a9112d71
......@@ -6,24 +6,24 @@ sort_rank: 1
# Metric and label naming
The metric and label conventions presented in this document are not required
for using Prometheus, but can serve as both a style-guide and collection of
for using Prometheus, but can serve as both a style-guide and a collection of
best practices. Individual organizations may want to approach e.g. naming
conventions differently.
## Metric names
A metric name:
A metric name...
* should have a (single-word) application prefix relevant to the containing Prometheus domain
* <code><b>prometheus</b>\_notifications\_total</code>
* <code><b>indexer</b>\_requests\_latencies\_milliseconds</code>
* <code><b>processor</b>\_requests\_total</code>
* must have a single unit (i.e. do not mix seconds with milliseconds)
* should have a units suffix
* ...should have a (single-word) application prefix relevant to the domain the metric belongs to. The prefix is sometimes referred to as `namespace` by client libraries. For metrics specific to an application, the prefix is usually the application name itself. Sometimes, however, metrics are more generic, like standardized metrics exported by client libraries. Examples:
* <code><b>prometheus</b>\_notifications\_total</code> (specific to the Prometheus server)
* <code><b>process</b>\_cpu\_seconds\_total</code> (exported by many client libraries)
* <code><b>http</b>\_request\_duration\_microseconds</code> (for all HTTP requests)
* ...must have a single unit (i.e. do not mix seconds with milliseconds).
* ...should have a suffix describing the unit.
* <code>api\_http\_request\_latency\_<b>milliseconds</b></code>
* <code>node\_memory\_usage\_<b>bytes</b></code>
* <code>api\_http\_requests\_<b>total</b></code> (for an accumulating count)
* should represent the same logical thing-being-measured across all label dimensions
* ...should represent the same logical thing-being-measured across all label dimensions.
* request duration
* bytes of data transfer
* instantaneous resource usage as a percentage
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Use labels to differentiate the characteristics of the thing that is being measu
Do not put the label names in the metric name, as this introduces redundancy
and will cause confusion if the respective labels are aggregated away.
CAUTION: <b>CAUTION:</b> Remember that every unique key-value label pair
**CAUTION:** Remember that every unique key-value label pair
represents a new time series, which can dramatically increase the amount of
data stored. Do not use labels to store dimensions with high cardinality (many
different label values), such as user IDs, email addresses, or other unbounded
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