Commit aabd1cc2 authored by Luc Perkins's avatar Luc Perkins Committed by Julius Volz

Add admonition type to text content (#1089)

Signed-off-by: 's avatarlucperkins <>
parent 70811501
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ exposition format. There's a variety of [client libraries](/docs/instrumenting/c
that implement this format for you. If your preferred language doesn't have a client
library you can [create your own](/docs/instrumenting/writing_clientlibs/).
NOTE: **NOTE** Some earlier versions of Prometheus supported an exposition format based on
NOTE: Some earlier versions of Prometheus supported an exposition format based on
[Protocol Buffers]( (aka Protobuf) in
addition to the current text-based format. As of version 2.0, however, Prometheus no
longer supports the Protobuf-based format. You can read about the reasoning behind
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class AdmonitionFilter < Nanoc::Filter
def generate(kind, content)
%[<div class="admonition-wrapper #{kind}">] +
%[<div class="admonition alert alert-#{BOOSTRAP_MAPPING[kind]}">] +
"<strong>#{kind.upcase}:</strong> " +
content +
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