Commit 97e3708b authored by juliusv's avatar juliusv

Merge pull request #5 from brian-brazil/improv

Copy template docs over from the wiki.
parents d9020c93 8fd88454
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ end
compile '*' do
if item[:extension] == 'md'
#filter :kramdown
filter :redcarpet, options: {hard_wrap: true, filter_html: true, autolink: true, no_intraemphasis: true, fenced_code_blocks: true, gh_blockcode: true}, renderer_options: {with_toc_data: true}
filter :redcarpet, options: {filter_html: true, autolink: true, no_intraemphasis: true, fenced_code_blocks: true, gh_blockcode: true, tables: true}, renderer_options: {with_toc_data: true}
filter :add_anchors
filter :bootstrappify
filter :admonition
title: Exporters for third-party systems
sort_rank: 4
sort_rank: 3
# Exporters for third-party systems
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ cases where it is not feasible to instrument a given system with Prometheus
metrics directly (for example, HAProxy or Linux system stats). The
following is a list of existing third-party exporters:
* [node/system metrics exporter](
* [Node/system metrics exporter](
* [HAProxy exporter](
* [AWS CloudWatch exporter](
* [StatsD bridge](
title: Exposition formats
sort_rank: 2
sort_rank: 4
# Exposition formats
......@@ -16,3 +16,6 @@ client does not support the former.
For details on each format and the content negotiation options, see the
[Client Data Exposition Format](
The majority of users should use the existing [client libraries](../clientlibs)
that already implement the exposition formats.
title: Pushing metrics
sort_rank: 3
sort_rank: 2
# Pushing metrics
......@@ -15,3 +15,9 @@ makes it easy to instrument even shell scripts without a client library.
For more information on using the push gateway, see the project's
For use from Java see the
For use from Go see the [Push]( and [PushAdd]( functions.
title: Template examples
sort_rank: 4
# Template examples
Prometheus supports templating in the summary and description fields of
alerts, as well as in served console pages. Templates have the ability to run
queries against the local database, iterate over data, use conditionals, format
data, etc. The Prometheus templating language is based on the
[Go templating]( system.
## Simple alert field templates
ALERT InstanceDown
IF up == 0
FOR 5m
SUMMARY "Instance {{$labels.instance}} down"
DESCRIPTION "{{$labels.instance}} of job {{$labels.job}} has been down for more than 5 minutes."
Alert field templates will be executed during every rule iteration for each
alert that fires, so keep any queries and templates lightweight. If you have a
need for more complicated templates for alerts, it is recommended to link to a
console instead.
## Simple iteration
This displays a list of instances, and whether they are up:
{{ range query "up" }}
{{ .Labels.instance }} {{ .Labels.Value }}
{{ end }}
The special `.` variable contains the value of the current sample for each loop iteration.
## Display one value
{{ with query "some_metric{instance='someinstance'}" }}
{{ . | first | value | humanize }}
{{ end }}
Go and Go's templating language are both strongly typed, so one must check that
samples were returned to avoid an execution error. For example this could
happen if a scrape or rule evaluation has not run yet, or a host was down.
The included `prom_query_drilldown` template handles this, allows for
formatting of results, and linking to the [expression browser](../browser/).
## Using console URL parameters
{{ with printf "node_memory_MemTotal{job='node',instance='%s'}" .Params.instance | query }}
{{ . | first | value | humanize1024}}B
{{ end }}
If accessed as `console.html?instance=hostname`, `.Params.instance` will evaluate to `hostname`.
## Advanced iteration
{{ range printf "node_network_receive_bytes{job='node',instance='%s',device!='lo'}" .Params.instance | query | sortByLabel "device"}}
<tr><th colspan=2>{{ .Labels.device }}</th></tr>
<td>{{ with printf "rate(node_network_receive_bytes{job='node',instance='%s',device='%s'}[5m])" .Labels.instance .Labels.device | query }}{{ . | first | value | humanize }}B/s{{end}}</td>
<td>{{ with printf "rate(node_network_transmit_bytes{job='node',instance='%s',device='%s'}[5m])" .Labels.instance .Labels.device | query }}{{ . | first | value | humanize }}B/s{{end}}</td>
</tr>{{ end }}
Here we iterate over all network devices and display the network traffic for each.
As the `range` action does not specify a variable, `.Params.instance` is not
available inside the loop as `.` is now the loop variable.
## Defining reusable templates
Prometheus supports defining templates that can be reused. This is particularly
powerful when combined with
[console library](../template_reference/#console-templates) support, allowing
sharing of templates across consoles.
{{/* Define the template */}}
{{define "myTemplate"}}
do something
{{/* Use the template */}}
{{template "myTemplate"}}
Templates are limited to one argument. The `args` function can be used to wrap multiple arguments.
{{define "myMultiArgTemplate"}}
First argument: {{.arg0}}
Second argument: {{.arg1}}
{{template "myMultiArgTemplate" (args 1 2)}}
title: Template reference
sort_rank: 6
# Template reference
Prometheus supports templating in the summary and description fields of
alerts, as well as in served console pages. Templates have the ability to run
queries against the local database, iterate over data, use conditionals, format
data, etc. The Prometheus templating language is based on the
[Go templating]( system.
## Data Structures
The primary data structure for dealing with time series data is the sample, defined as:
type sample struct {
Labels map[string]string
Value float64
The metric name of the sample is encoded in a special `__name__` label in the `Labels` map.
`[]sample` means a list of samples.
`interface{}` in Go is similar to a void pointer in C.
## Functions
In addition to the [default
functions]( provided by Go
templating, Prometheus provides functions for easier processing of query
results in templates.
If functions are used in a pipeline, the pipeline value is passed as the last argument.
### Queries
| Name | Arguments | Returns | Notes |
| ------------- | ------------- | -------- | -------- |
| query | query string | []sample | Queries the databases, does not support returning range vectors. |
| first | []sample | sample | Equivalent to `index a 0` |
| label | label, sample | string | Equivalent to `index sample.Labels label` |
| value | sample | float64 | Equivalent to `sample.Value` |
| sortByLabel | label, []samples | []sample | Sorts the samples by the given label. Is stable. |
`first`, `label` and `value` are intended to make query results easily usable in pipelines.
### Numbers
| Name | Arguments | Returns | Notes |
| ------------- | --------------| --------| --------- |
| humanize | number | string | Converts a number to a more readable format, using [metric prefixes](
| humanize1024 | number | string | Like `humanize`, but uses 1024 as the base rather than 1000. |
| humanizeDuration | number | string | Converts a duration in seconds to a more readable format. |
Humanizing functions are intended to produce reasonable output for consumption
by humans, and are not guaranteed to return the same results between Prometheus
### Strings
| Name | Arguments | Returns | Notes |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------- | ----------- |
| title | string | string | [strings.Title](, capitalises first character of each word.|
| match | pattern, text | boolean | [regexp.MatchString]( Tests for a regexp match. |
| reReplaceAll | pattern, replacement, text | string | [Regexp.ReplaceAllString]( Regexp substitution. |
| graphLink | expr | string | Returns path to graph view in the [expression browser](../browser) for the expression. |
| tableLink | expr | string | Returns path to tabular view in the [expression browser](../browser) for the expression. |
### Others
| Name | Arguments | Returns | Notes |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------- | ----------- |
| args | []interface{} | map[string]interface{} | This converts a list of objects to a map with keys arg0, arg1 etc. This is intended to allow multiple arguments to be passed to templates. |
| tmpl | string, []interface{} | nothing | Like the built-in `template`, but allows non-literals as the template name. Note that the result is assumed to be safe, and will not be auto-escaped. Only available in consoles. |
| safeHtml | string | string | Marks string as HTML not requiring auto-escaping. |
## Template type differences
Each of the types of templates provide different information that can be used to
parameterize templates, and have a few other differences.
### Alert field templates
`.Value` and `.Labels` contain the alert value and labels. They are also exposed
as the `$value` and `$labels` variables for convenience.
### Console templates
Consoles are exposed on `/consoles/`, and sourced from the directory pointed to
by the `-web.console.templates` flag.
Console templates are rendered with
[html/template](, which provides
auto-escaping. To bypass the auto-escaping use the `safe*` functions.,
URL parameters are available as a map in `.Params`. To access multiple URL
parameters by the same name, `.RawParams` is a map of the list values for each
parameter. The URL path is available in `.Path`, excluding the `/consoles/`
Consoles also have access to all the templates defined with `{{define
"templateName"}}...{{end}}` found in `*.lib` files in the directory pointed to
by the `-web.console.libraries` flag. As this is a shared namespace, take care
to avoid clashes with other users. Template names beginning with `prom`,
`_prom`, and `__` are reserved for use by Prometheus, as are the functions
listed above.
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
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<p class="subtitle">An open-source service monitoring system and time series database.</p>
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