Commit 8bf4a0d6 authored by lucperkins's avatar lucperkins

Add sample term to glossary

Signed-off-by: 's avatarlucperkins <>
parent 90b84f14
......@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ depends on the `honor_labels` configuration option. See the
[scrape configuration documentation](/docs/operating/configuration/#%3Cscrape_config%3E)
for more information.
For each instance scrape, Prometheus stores a sample in the following
time series:
For each instance scrape, Prometheus stores a [sample](/docs/introduction/glossary#sample) in
the following time series:
* `up{job="<job-name>", instance="<instance-id>"}`: `1` if the instance is
healthy, i.e. reachable, or `0` if the scrape failed.
......@@ -108,6 +108,13 @@ write into a format the other system can understand.
A remote write endpoint is what Prometheus talks to when doing a remote write.
### Sample
A sample is the smallest unit of time series data in Prometheus. Each sample consists of:
* A float64 value
* A millisecond-precision timestamp
### Silence
A silence in the Alertmanager prevents alerts, with labels matching the silence, from
......@@ -115,4 +122,4 @@ being included in notifications.
### Target
A target is the definition of an object to scrape. For example, what labels to apply, any authentication required to connect, or other information that defines how the scrape will occur.
A target is the definition of an object to scrape. For example, what labels to apply, any authentication required to connect, or other information that defines how the scrape will occur.
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