We recommend that you read [My Philosophy on Alerting](https://docs.google.com/a/boxever.com/document/d/199PqyG3UsyXlwieHaqbGiWVa8eMWi8zzAn0YfcApr8Q/edit)
We recommend that you read [My Philosophy on Alerting](https://docs.google.com/a/boxever.com/document/d/199PqyG3UsyXlwieHaqbGiWVa8eMWi8zzAn0YfcApr8Q/edit)
based on Rob Ewaschuk's observations at Google.
based on Rob Ewaschuk's observations at Google.
To summarize, keep alerting simple, alert on symptoms, have good consoles
To summarize: keep alerting simple, alert on symptoms, have good consoles to
to allow pinpointing causes and avoid having pages where there is nothing to
allow pinpointing causes, and avoid having pages where there is nothing to do.