Commit 102d9c86 authored by beorn7's avatar beorn7

Document histograms and histogram_quantile.

parent eeb0170d
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ tasks completed, errors occurred, etc. Counters should not be used to expose
current counts of items whose number can also go down, e.g. the number of
currently running goroutines. Use gauges for this use case.
See the client library usage documentation for counters:
Client library usage documentation for counters:
* [Go](
* [Java](
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Gauges are typically used for measured values like temperatures or current
memory usage, but also "counts" that can go up and down, like the number of
running goroutines.
See the client library usage documentation for gauges:
Client library usage documentation for gauges:
* [Go](
* [Java](
......@@ -49,26 +49,51 @@ See the client library usage documentation for gauges:
* [Ruby](
* [Python](
## Summaries
## Histogram
A _summary_ samples observations (usually things like request durations) over
sliding windows of time and provides instantaneous insight into their
distributions, frequencies, and sums.
A _histogram_ samples observations (usually things like request durations or
response sizes) and counts them in configurable buckets. It also provides a sum
of all observed values.
A histogram with a base metric name of `<basename>` exposes multiple time series
during a scrape:
* cumulative counters for the observation buckets, exposed as `<basename>_bucket{le="<upper inclusive bound>"}`
* the **total sum** of all observed values, exposed as `<basename>_sum`
* the **count** of events that have been observed, exposed as `<basename>_count` (identical to `<basename>_bucket{le="+Inf"}` above)
Use the [`histogram_quantile()`
function](/docs/querying/functions/#histogram_quantile()) to calculate quantiles
from histograms or even aggregations of histograms. A histogram is also suitable
to calculate an [Apdex score]( See [summary
vs. histogram](/docs/practices/instrumentation/#summary-vs.-histogram) for
details of histogram usage and differences to [summaries](#summary).
Client library usage documentation for summaries:
* [Go](
* [Java]( (histograms are only supported by the simple client but not by the legacy client)
* [Python](
## Summary
Similar to a _histogram_, a _summary_ samples observations (usually things like
request durations and response sizes). While it also provides a total count of
observation and a sum of all observed values, it calculates configurable
quantiles over a sliding time window.
A summary with a base metric name of `<basename>` exposes multiple time series
during a scrape:
* streaming **quantile values** of observed events, exposed as `<basename>{quantile="<quantile label>"}`
* streaming **φ-quantiles** (0 ≤ φ ≤ 1) of observed events, exposed as `<basename>{quantile="<φ>"}`
* the **total sum** of all observed values, exposed as `<basename>_sum`
* the **count** of events that have been observed, exposed as `<basename>_count`
This is quite convenient, for if you are interested in tracking latencies of an
operation in real time, you get three types of information reported for free
with one metric.
A typical use-case is the observation of request latencies or response sizes.
See [summary
vs. histogram](/docs/practices/instrumentation/#summary-vs.-histogram) for
details of summary usage and differences to [histograms](#histogram).
See the client library usage documentation for summaries:
Client library usage documentation for summaries:
* [Go](
* [Java](
......@@ -23,17 +23,6 @@ detailed local views.
GitHub issue: [#9](
**Aggregatable histograms**
The current client-side [summary
types](/docs/concepts/metric_types/#summaries) do not
support aggregation of quantiles. For example, it is [statistically
to average over the 90th percentile latency of multiple monitored instances.
We plan to implement server-side histograms which will allow for this use case.
GitHub issue: [#480](
**More flexible label matching in binary operations**
[Binary operations](/docs/querying/operators/) between time series vectors
......@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ gauge for how long the collection took in seconds and another for the number of
errors encountered.
This is one of the two cases when it is okay to export a duration as a gauge
rather than a summary, the other being batch job durations. This is because both
represent information about that particular push/scrape, rather than
tracking multiple durations over time.
rather than a summary or a histogram, the other being batch job durations. This
is because both represent information about that particular push/scrape, rather
than tracking multiple durations over time.
## Things to watch out for
......@@ -191,10 +191,10 @@ processing system.
If you are unsure, start with no labels and add more
labels over time as concrete use cases arise.
### Counter vs. gauge vs. summary
### Counter vs. gauge
It is important to know which of the three main metric types to use for a given
metric. There is a simple rule of thumb: if the value can go down, it's a gauge.
To pick between counter and gauge, there is a simple rule of thumb: if
the value can go down, it's a gauge.
Counters can only go up (and reset, such as when a process restarts). They are
useful for accumulating the number of events, or the amount of something at
......@@ -206,11 +206,55 @@ Gauges can be set, go up, and go down. They are useful for snapshots of state,
such as in-progress requests, free/total memory, or temperature. You should
never take a `rate()` of a gauge.
Summaries are similar to having two counters. They track the number of events
*and* the amount of something for each event, allowing you to calculate the
average amount per event (useful for latency, for example). In addition,
summaries can also export quantiles of the amounts, but note that [quantiles are not
### Summary vs. histogram
Summaries and histograms are more complex metric types. They both sample
observations. They track the number of observations *and* the sum of the
observed values, allowing you to calculate the average observed value (useful
for latency, for example). Note that the number of observations (showing up in
Prometheus as a time series with a `_count` suffix) is inherently a counter (as
described above, it only goes up), while the sum of observations (showing up as
a time series with a `_sum` suffix) is inherently a gauge (if a negative value
is observed, it goes down).
The essential difference is that summaries calculate streaming φ-quantiles on
the client side and expose them, while histograms count observations in buckets
and expose those counts. Calculation of quantiles from histograms happens on the
server side using the [`histogram_quantile()`
Both approaches have specific advantages and disadvantages:
| | Histogram | Summary
| Configuration | Need to configure buckets suitable for the expected range of observed values. | Need to configure φ-quantiles and sliding window, other φ-quantiles and sliding windows cannot be calculated later.
| Client performance | Observations are very cheap as they only need to increment counters. | Observations are expensive due to the streaming quantile calculation.
| Server performance | Calculating quantiles is expensive, consider [recording rules](/docs/querying/rules/#recording-rules) as a remedy. | Very low resource needs.
| Number of time series | Low for Apdex score (see below), very high for accurate quantiles. Each bucket creates a time series. | Low, one time series per configured quantile.
| Accuracy | Depends on number and layout of buckets. Higher accuracy requires more time series. | Configurable. Higher accuracy requires more client resources but is relatively cheap.
| Specification of φ-quantile and sliding time window | Ad-hoc in Prometheus expressions. | Preconfigured by the client.
| Aggregation | Ad-hoc aggregation with [Prometheus expressions](/docs/querying/functions/#histogram_quantile()). | In general [not aggregatable](
Note the importance of the last item in the table. Let's say you run a service
with an SLA to respond to 95% of requests in under 200ms. In that case, you will
probably collect request durations from every single instance in your fleet, and
then you want to aggregate everything into an overall 95th percentile. You can
only do that with histograms, but not with summaries. Aggregating the
precomputed quantiles from a summary rarely makes sense.
A histogram is suitable to calculate the [Apdex
score]( Configure a bucket with the target
request duration as upper bound and another bucket with 4 times the request
duration as upper bound. Example: The target request duration is 250ms. The
tolerable request duration is 1s. The request duration are collected with a
histogram called `http_request_duration_seconds`. The following expression
yields the Apdex score:
http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le="0.25"} + http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le="1"}
) / 2 / http_request_duration_seconds_count
### Timestamps, not time since
......@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ the 1-element output vector from the input vector:
This is useful for alerting on when no time series
exist for a given metric name and label combination.
## `bottomk()`
`bottomk(k integer, v instant-vector` returns the `k` smallest elements of `v`
by sample value.
## `ceil()`
`ceil(v instant-vector)` rounds the sample values of all elements in `v` up to
......@@ -80,6 +86,55 @@ and value across all series in the input vector.
`floor(v instant-vector)` rounds the sample values of all elements in `v` down
to the nearest integer.
## `histogram_quantile()`
`histogram_quantile(φ float, b instant-vector)` calculates the φ-quantile (0 ≤ φ
≤ 1) from the buckets `b` of a histogram. The samples in `b` are the counts of
observations in each bucket. Each value must have a label `le` where the label
value denotes the inclusive upper bound of the bucket. (Samples without such a
label are ignored.) The [histogram metric
type](/docs/concepts/metric_types/#histogram) automatically
provides time series with the `_bucket` suffix and the appropriate labels.
Use the `rate()` function to specify the time window for the quantile
Example: A histogram metric is called `http_request_duration_seconds`. To
calculate the 90th percentile of request durations over the last 10m, use the
following expression:
histogram_quantile(0.9, rate(http_request_duration_seconds_bucket[10m]))
The quantile is calculated for each label combination in
`http_request_duration_seconds`. To aggregate, use the `sum()` aggregator
outside of the `rate()` function. Since the `le` label is required by
`histogram_quantile()`, it has to be included in the `by` clause. The following
expression aggregates quantiles by `job`:
histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(rate(http_request_duration_seconds_bucket[10m])) by (job, le))
To aggregate everything, specify only the `le` label:
histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(rate(http_request_duration_seconds_bucket[10m])) by (le))
The `histogram_quantile()` interpolates quantile values by assuming a linear
distribution within a bucket. The highest bucket must have an upper bound of
`+Inf`. (Otherwise, `NaN` is returned.) If a quantile is located in the highest
bucket, the upper bound of the second highest bucket is returned. A lower limit
of the lowest bucket is assumed to be 0 if the upper bound of that bucket is
greater than 0. In that case, linar interpolation is applied within that bucket
as usual. Otherwise, the upper bound of the lowest bucket is returned for
quantiles located in the lowest bucket.
If `b` contains fewer than two buckets, `NaN` is returned. For φ < 0, `-Inf` is
returned. For φ > 1, `+Inf` is returned.
## `rate()`
`rate(v range-vector)` calculate the per-second average rate of increase of the
......@@ -123,6 +178,11 @@ Same as `sort`, but sorts in descending order.
this does not actually return the current time, but the time at which the
expression is to be evaluated.
## `topk()`
`topk(k integer, v instant-vector)` returns the `k` largest elements of `v` by
sample value.
## `<aggregation>_over_time()`: Aggregating values over time:
The following functions allow aggregating each series of a given range vector
......@@ -133,11 +193,3 @@ over time and return an instant vector with per-series aggregation results:
* `max_over_time(range-vector)`: the maximum value of all points under the specified interval.
* `sum_over_time(range-vector)`: the sum of all values under the specified interval.
* `count_over_time(range-vector)`: the count of all values under the specified interval.
## `topk()` and `bottomk()`
`topk(k integer, v instant-vector)` returns the `k` largest elements of `v` by
sample value.
`bottomk(k integer, v instant-vector` returns the `k` smallest elements of `v`
by sample value.
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