*[Java](https://github.com/prometheus/client_java/blob/master/simpleclient/src/main/java/io/prometheus/client/Histogram.java)(histograms are only supported by the simple client but not by the legacy client)
Both approaches have specific advantages and disadvantages:
| | Histogram | Summary
| Configuration | Need to configure buckets suitable for the expected range of observed values. | Need to configure φ-quantiles and sliding window, other φ-quantiles and sliding windows cannot be calculated later.
| Client performance | Observations are very cheap as they only need to increment counters. | Observations are expensive due to the streaming quantile calculation.
| Server performance | Calculating quantiles is expensive, consider [recording rules](/docs/querying/rules/#recording-rules) as a remedy. | Very low resource needs.
| Number of time series | Low for Apdex score (see below), very high for accurate quantiles. Each bucket creates a time series. | Low, one time series per configured quantile.
| Accuracy | Depends on number and layout of buckets. Higher accuracy requires more time series. | Configurable. Higher accuracy requires more client resources but is relatively cheap.
| Specification of φ-quantile and sliding time window | Ad-hoc in Prometheus expressions. | Preconfigured by the client.
| Aggregation | Ad-hoc aggregation with [Prometheus expressions](/docs/querying/functions/#histogram_quantile()). | In general [not aggregatable](http://latencytipoftheday.blogspot.de/2014/06/latencytipoftheday-you-cant-average.html).
Note the importance of the last item in the table. Let's say you run a service
with an SLA to respond to 95% of requests in under 200ms. In that case, you will
probably collect request durations from every single instance in your fleet, and
then you want to aggregate everything into an overall 95th percentile. You can
only do that with histograms, but not with summaries. Aggregating the
precomputed quantiles from a summary rarely makes sense.
A histogram is suitable to calculate the [Apdex
score](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apdex). Configure a bucket with the target
request duration as upper bound and another bucket with 4 times the request
duration as upper bound. Example: The target request duration is 250ms. The
tolerable request duration is 1s. The request duration are collected with a
histogram called `http_request_duration_seconds`. The following expression