Adding changelog items

parent 67ab030c
...@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ versions: ...@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ versions:
- Creating helper trait <code>CanGetSidebarClassForModule</code>, to get the sidebar class for a module - Creating helper trait <code>CanGetSidebarClassForModule</code>, to get the sidebar class for a module
changed: changed:
- Adding more core modules (tag, translation and page). Preventing them to be disabled. - Adding more core modules (tag, translation and page). Preventing them to be disabled.
- Splitting up the <code>EditorIsRendering</code> hook to its own view composer, avoiding binding the (expensive) <code>AssetsViewComposer</code> on every view & partial
"2.3.0": "2.3.0":
added: added:
- New command <code>php artisan asgard:download:module asgardcms/contact --migrations --seeds --assets</code> - New command <code>php artisan asgard:download:module asgardcms/contact --migrations --seeds --assets</code>
url: url:
versions: versions:
"2.5.0@unreleased": "2.5.0@unreleased":
- New Sidebar event handler class replacing the old <code>SidebarExtender</code> class
changed: changed:
- Using the @push js stacks over the scripts section - Using the @push js stacks over the scripts section
- Using the @push css stacks over the styles section - Using the @push css stacks over the styles section
...@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ versions: ...@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ versions:
changed: changed:
- Using the @push js stacks over the scripts section - Using the @push js stacks over the scripts section
- Using the @push css stacks over the styles section - Using the @push css stacks over the styles section
- No more 1 query per translation. Translations are group together to greatly reduce the query amount.
"2.2.0": "2.2.0":
changed: changed:
- Optimising the checking and loading of module translations (~20% speed increase) - Optimising the checking and loading of module translations (~20% speed increase)
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