Commit 9cdb2016 authored by Nicolas Widart's avatar Nicolas Widart

Add a check if the platform has already been installed

parent 6b4da4d6
......@@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ class InstallCommand extends Command
$this->info('Starting the installation process...');
if ($this->checkIfInstalled()) {
$this->error('Asgard has already been installed. You can already log into your administration.');
$userDriver = $this->choice('Which user driver do you wish to use?', ['Sentinel', 'Sentry'], 1);
......@@ -340,4 +345,16 @@ class InstallCommand extends Command
* Check if Asgard CMS already has been installed
private function checkIfInstalled()
$users = $this->app['db']->table('users')->get();
if ($users) {
return true;
return false;
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