Preparing config changelog

parent 2e2ece7c
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ versions:
- New configuration value <code>wysiwyg-handler</code> in <code>config/asgard/core/core.php</code> to change the editor in backend
- New handler <code>RenderMarkdown</code> if you want to render markdown on a <code>ContentIsRendering</code> event
- New <code>@editor('fieldname', 'fieldlabel, 'content', 'locale')</code> blade directive to include a textarea. The last <code>locale</code> parameter is optional and can be omitted for non translatable textarea.
- New <code>BuildingSidebar</code> hook used to add sidebar elements (backend) this will replace the <code>SidebarExtender</code> classes
- Creating helper trait <code>CanGetSidebarClassForModule</code>, to get the sidebar class for a module
- Adding more core modules (tag, translation and page). Preventing them to be disabled.
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