Last commit
Last update
admin More refactoring work. Changing to new name.
broadcast Replaced all Component.getLog() wrappers with a direct call to the static methods of Log. (TINDER-2)
clientControl Replaced all Component.getLog() wrappers with a direct call to the static methods of Log. (TINDER-2)
contentFilter Updated license headers.
dbaccess Created DB access plugin for easy database debugging and such.
emailListener Updated license headers.
fastpath Replaced all Component.getLog() wrappers with a direct call to the static methods of Log. (TINDER-2)
loadStats Updated license headers.
monitoring Replaced all Component.getLog() wrappers with a direct call to the static methods of Log. (TINDER-2)
motd Updated dates on plugins.
packetFilter Unifying IQResultListener (TINDER-6)
presence Replaced all Component.getLog() wrappers with a direct call to the static methods of Log. (TINDER-2)
registration Updated license headers.
search modified the FormField type to 'jid-single' for the results of both MUC and User search. (OF-4)
sip Replaced all Component.getLog() wrappers with a direct call to the static methods of Log. (TINDER-2)
subscription Updated license headers.
userCreation Porting Gato's 3.5.0 branch changes to trunk.
userImportExport Updated all plugin versions that need updates due to API changes.
userservice Perform null checking for JM-1463
xmldebugger 1) Added support for debugging connection managers