Commit fff63a2a authored by Gaston Dombiak's avatar Gaston Dombiak Committed by gato

Added default values to predefined caches.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 13824c3f
......@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ public class DefaultLocalCacheStrategy implements CacheFactoryStrategy {
* in local xml properties in previous versions.
private static final Map<String, String> cacheNames = new HashMap<String, String>();
* Default properties to use for local caches. Default properties can be overridden
* by setting the corresponding system properties.
private static final Map<String, Long> cacheProps = new HashMap<String, Long>();
public DefaultLocalCacheStrategy() {
......@@ -54,6 +59,39 @@ public class DefaultLocalCacheStrategy implements CacheFactoryStrategy {
cacheNames.put("Roster", "username2roster");
cacheNames.put("User", "userCache");
cacheNames.put("VCard", "vcardCache");
cacheNames.put("File Transfer Cache", "fileTransfer");
cacheNames.put("File Transfer", "transferProxy");
cacheNames.put("POP3 Authentication", "pop3");
cacheNames.put("LDAP Authentication", "ldap");
cacheProps.put("cache.fileTransfer.size", 128 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("cache.fileTransfer.expirationTime", 1000 * 60 * 10l);
cacheProps.put("cache.multicast.size", 128 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("cache.multicast.expirationTime", JiveConstants.DAY);
cacheProps.put("cache.offlinemessage.size", 100 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("cache.offlinemessage.expirationTime", JiveConstants.HOUR * 12);
cacheProps.put("cache.pop3.size", 512 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("cache.pop3.expirationTime", JiveConstants.HOUR);
cacheProps.put("cache.transferProxy.size", -1l);
cacheProps.put("cache.transferProxy.expirationTime", 1000 * 60 * 10l);
cacheProps.put("", 1024 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("", JiveConstants.MINUTE * 15);
cacheProps.put("cache.groupMeta.size", 512 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("cache.groupMeta.expirationTime", JiveConstants.MINUTE * 15);
cacheProps.put("cache.javascript.size", 128 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("cache.javascript.expirationTime", 3600 * 24 * 10l);
cacheProps.put("cache.ldap.size", 512 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("cache.ldap.expirationTime", JiveConstants.HOUR * 2);
cacheProps.put("cache.listsCache.size", 512 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("cache.offlinePresence.size", 512 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("cache.lastActivity.size", 128 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("cache.userCache.size", 512 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("cache.userCache.expirationTime", JiveConstants.MINUTE * 30);
cacheProps.put("cache.remoteUsersCache.size", 512 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("cache.remoteUsersCache.expirationTime", JiveConstants.MINUTE * 30);
cacheProps.put("cache.vcardCache.size", 512 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("cache.faviconHits.size", 128 * 1024l);
cacheProps.put("cache.faviconMisses.size", 128 * 1024l);
......@@ -69,8 +107,7 @@ public class DefaultLocalCacheStrategy implements CacheFactoryStrategy {
if (propname == null) {
propname = name;
return new DefaultCache(name, getMaxSizeFromProperty(propname, DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_SIZE),
getMaxLifetimeFromProperty(propname, DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_LIFETIME));
return new DefaultCache(name, getMaxSizeFromProperty(propname), getMaxLifetimeFromProperty(propname));
public boolean isSeniorClusterMember() {
......@@ -120,13 +157,13 @@ public class DefaultLocalCacheStrategy implements CacheFactoryStrategy {
* If a local property is found for the supplied name which specifies a value for cache size, it is returned. Otherwise,
* the defaultSize argument is returned.
* If a local property is found for the supplied name which specifies a value for cache size, it is returned.
* Otherwise, the defaultSize argument is returned.
* @param cacheName the name of the cache to look up a corresponding property for.
* @param defaultSize the value to return if no property is set.
* @return either the property value or the default value.
public static int getMaxSizeFromProperty(String cacheName, int defaultSize) {
private static long getMaxSizeFromProperty(String cacheName) {
String propName = "cache." + cacheName.replaceAll(" ", "") + ".size";
String sizeProp = JiveGlobals.getProperty(propName);
if (sizeProp != null) {
......@@ -134,23 +171,22 @@ public class DefaultLocalCacheStrategy implements CacheFactoryStrategy {
return Integer.parseInt(sizeProp);
catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
Log.warn("Unable to parse " + propName + " using default value of " + defaultSize);
return defaultSize;
Log.warn("Unable to parse " + propName + " using default value.");
else {
return defaultSize;
// Check if there is a default size value for this cache
Long defaultSize = cacheProps.get(propName);
return defaultSize == null ? DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_SIZE : defaultSize;
* If a local property is found for the supplied name which specifies a value for cache entry lifetime, it is returned.
* Otherwise, the defaultLifetime argument is returned.
* If a local property is found for the supplied name which specifies a value for cache entry lifetime, it
* is returned. Otherwise, the defaultLifetime argument is returned.
* @param cacheName the name of the cache to look up a corresponding property for.
* @param defaultLifetime the value to return if no property is set.
* @return either the property value or the default value.
public static long getMaxLifetimeFromProperty(String cacheName, long defaultLifetime) {
private static long getMaxLifetimeFromProperty(String cacheName) {
String propName = "cache." + cacheName.replaceAll(" ", "") + ".maxLifetime";
String lifetimeProp = JiveGlobals.getProperty(propName);
if (lifetimeProp != null) {
......@@ -158,12 +194,11 @@ public class DefaultLocalCacheStrategy implements CacheFactoryStrategy {
return Long.parseLong(lifetimeProp);
catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
Log.warn("Unable to parse " + propName + " using default value of " + defaultLifetime);
return defaultLifetime;
Log.warn("Unable to parse " + propName + " using default value.");
else {
return defaultLifetime;
// Check if there is a default lifetime value for this cache
Long defaultLifetime = cacheProps.get(propName);
return defaultLifetime == null ? DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_LIFETIME : defaultLifetime;
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