Unverified Commit e634ae3b authored by akrherz's avatar akrherz

March 4.1 branch to 4.1.7-alpha

parent daf5ef47
......@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
<property name="version.major" value="4"/>
<property name="version.minor" value="1"/>
<property name="version.revision" value="6"/>
<property name="version.extra" value=""/> <!-- For 'beta' or 'alpha' -->
<property name="version.revision" value="7"/>
<property name="version.extra" value="alpha"/> <!-- For 'beta' or 'alpha' -->
<property name="javac.source" value="1.7"/>
<property name="javac.target" value="1.7"/>
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public class XMPPServerInfoImpl implements XMPPServerInfo {
private final Date startDate;
public static final Version VERSION = new Version(4, 1, 6, Version.ReleaseStatus.Release, -1 );
public static final Version VERSION = new Version(4, 1, 7, Version.ReleaseStatus.Alpha, -1 );
* Simple constructor
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