Commit d8cab8f0 authored by Sebastian Wissen's avatar Sebastian Wissen

adjust sql statements to work properly with oracle database

as oracle database cannot use distinct modifier on clob columns some
statments must be adjusted so they don not fail on oracle database
parent 010973b0
......@@ -112,6 +112,45 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
+ "INNER JOIN ofMessageArchive ON ofConParticipant.conversationID = ofMessageArchive.conversationID "
+ "WHERE ofConversation.lastActivity > ?";
public static final String SELECT_ACTIVE_CONVERSATIONS_ORACLE = "select SUBSET.conversationID,"
+ ","
+ "SUBSET.isExternal,"
+ "SUBSET.startDate,"
+ "SUBSET.lastActivity,"
+ "SUBSET.messageCount,"
+ "SUBSET.joinedDate,"
+ "SUBSET.leftDate,"
+ "SUBSET.bareJID,"
+ "SUBSET.jidResource,"
+ "SUBSET.nickname,"
+ "SUBSET.fromJID,"
+ "SUBSET.sentDate,"
+ "MAR.body from ("
+ "SELECT DISTINCT ofConversation.conversationID as conversationID,"
+ " as room,"
+ "ofConversation.isExternal as isExternal,"
+ "ofConversation.startDate as startDate,"
+ "ofConversation.lastActivity as lastActivity,"
+ "ofConversation.messageCount as messageCount,"
+ "ofConParticipant.joinedDate as joinedDate,"
+ "ofConParticipant.leftDate as leftDate,"
+ "ofConParticipant.bareJID as bareJID,"
+ "ofConParticipant.jidResource as jidResource,"
+ "ofConParticipant.nickname as nickname,"
+ "ofMessageArchive.fromJID as fromJID,"
+ "ofMessageArchive.toJID as toJID,"
+ "ofMessageArchive.sentDate as sentDate,"
+ "ofMessageArchive.MESSAGEID as msgId "
+ "FROM ofConversation "
+ "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofConversation.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID "
+ "INNER JOIN ofMessageArchive ON ofConParticipant.conversationID = ofMessageArchive.conversationID "
+ "where ofConversation.lastActivity > ? ) SUBSET "
+ "INNER JOIN ofMessageArchive MAR ON MAR.conversationID = SUBSET.conversationID "
+ "where MAR.MESSAGEID = SUBSET.msgId "
+ "and MAR.sentDate = SUBSET.sentDate "
+ "and MAR.fromJID = SUBSET.fromJID "
+ "and MAR.toJID = SUBSET.toJID";
// public static final String SELECT_ACTIVE_CONVERSATIONS =
// "SELECT c.conversationId,c.startTime,c.endTime,c.ownerJid,c.ownerResource,withJid,c.withResource,"
// + " c.subject,c.thread "
......@@ -131,6 +170,17 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
+ "FROM ofMessageArchive "
+ "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofMessageArchive.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID ";
public static final String SELECT_MESSAGE_ORACLE = "SELECT "
+ "ofMessageArchive.fromJID, "
+ "ofMessageArchive.toJID, "
+ "ofMessageArchive.sentDate, "
+ "ofMessageArchive.stanza, "
+ "ofMessageArchive.messageID "
+ "FROM ofMessageArchive";
public static final String SELECT_CONVERSATIONS_BY_OWNER = "SELECT DISTINCT ofConParticipant.conversationID FROM ofConParticipant WHERE "
+ " = ?";
public static final String COUNT_MESSAGES = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ofMessageArchive.messageID) "
+ "FROM ofMessageArchive "
+ "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofMessageArchive.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID ";
......@@ -369,6 +419,7 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
public Collection<ArchivedMessage> findMessages(Date startDate,
Date endDate, String ownerJid, String withJid, XmppResultSet xmppResultSet) {
final boolean isOracleDB = isOracleDB();
final StringBuilder querySB;
final StringBuilder whereSB;
......@@ -376,7 +427,7 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
final TreeMap<Long, ArchivedMessage> archivedMessages = new TreeMap<Long, ArchivedMessage>();
querySB = new StringBuilder(SELECT_MESSAGES);
querySB = new StringBuilder( isOracleDB ? SELECT_MESSAGE_ORACLE : SELECT_MESSAGES );
whereSB = new StringBuilder();
limitSB = new StringBuilder();
......@@ -391,7 +442,12 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
appendWhere(whereSB, MESSAGE_SENT_DATE, " <= ?");
if (ownerJid != null) {
appendWhere(whereSB, CONVERSATION_OWNER_JID, " = ?");
if( isOracleDB ) {
appendWhere( whereSB, "ofMessageArchive.conversationID in ( ", SELECT_CONVERSATIONS_BY_OWNER, " )" );
else {
appendWhere(whereSB, CONVERSATION_OWNER_JID, " = ?");
if(withJid != null) {
appendWhere(whereSB, "( ", MESSAGE_TO_JID, " = ? OR ", MESSAGE_FROM_JID, " = ? )");
......@@ -487,6 +543,11 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
return archivedMessages.values();
private boolean isOracleDB()
return DbConnectionManager.getDatabaseType() ==;
private Integer countMessages(Date startDate, Date endDate,
String ownerJid, String withJid, String whereClause) {
......@@ -586,7 +647,7 @@ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
con = DbConnectionManager.getConnection();
pstmt = con.prepareStatement(SELECT_ACTIVE_CONVERSATIONS);
pstmt.setLong(1, now - conversationTimeout * 60L * 1000L);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
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